Sometimes strokes are preceded by mini-strokes, called transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), which last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. TIAs occur when blood flow to the brain is temporarily interrupted and then restored. The symptoms resolve completely and the person returns to normal...
The treatment for a stroke are medicines that break up blood clots and prevent new clots from forming. An emergency medicine called tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) dissolves clots that block blood flow to the brain. You have to get tPA within 3 hours after stroke symptoms start for it to...
educational level, medical history and vascular risk factors. MRI images were recorded during inpatient care and reviewed independently by a neuroradiologist and neurologist. Number of strokes were quantified based on medical records, and acute infarcts were classified based on location and size....
left side of the brain (the dominant side for most persons) is affected, there is a paralysis of the right side of the body because most of the nerves cross to the opposite side of the body from their origin in the brain. However, the combinations of signs and symptoms are innumerable....
Brain Stem Stroke This type happens in your brain stem. It can affect both sides of the body. If this happens, you’re left in a “locked in” state where you’re unable to speak or move below the neck. Symptoms of brain stem stroke It can be hard to recognize when someone is havi...
(SMaRT) programme for individuals with mild strokes was developed by a multidisciplinary team in a tertiary hospital in Singapore. The objectives of the program are to teach skills for self-management of mild cognitive symptoms; increase awareness of preventive strategies against PSCI; support patients...
Emerging evidence suggests that post-stroke aphasia severity depends on the integrity of the brain beyond the lesion. While measures of lesion anatomy and brain integrity combine synergistically to explain aphasic symptoms, substantial interindividual variability remains unaccounted. One explanatory factor may...
This can cause serious brain damage from a lack of oxygen. A stroke caused by a blood clot is called an ischemic stroke. A stroke caused by a burst or torn blood vessel is called an intracerebral hemorrhage, or a hemorrhagic stroke. When stroke symptoms go away completely within minutes to...
Brain scan innovation is set to transform stroke treatments Jul 2, 2015 Go to site First clinical installations of e-ASPECTS The first clinical installations of the e-ASPECTS automated CT scan scoring software Jun 13, 2015 Read more Stroke rates soar among men and women in their 40s and 50s...
(for example, loss of arm or leg function or slurred speech) signify a medical emergency because without treatment, blood-deprived brain cells quickly become damaged or die, resulting in brain injury, serious disability, or death. Call 9-1-1 if you notice stroke symptoms developing in someone...