1 Correct answer c.pfaffenbichler Community Expert , Mar 11, 2024 c.pfaffenbichler • Community Expert , Mar 11, 2024 // scale speechbubbles in group »bubble« to type layers in group »Speech«; // 2024, use it at your own risk; if (app....
Now set a position keyframe for the circle shape layer by pressing Alt/Option + p and then press Ctrl/Cmnd + v to paste the path information from the rectangle to the position property of the circle layer. Providing that you did not scale either layer the positions will line up perfectly...
Immediately after each change, they rated the perceived tightness on 5 scales presented in a random order: 4-point rating scale (none, mild, moderate, severe), 0 to 10 numerical rating scale, mechanical VAS, horizontal VAS, and vertical VAS. Standard tests recorded deficits in language, ...
The study aims to determine if the Augmented Community Telerehabilitation Intervention (ACTIV) results in better physical function for people with stroke than usual care, as measured by the Stroke Impact Scale, physical subcomponent. Methods/design This study will use a multi-site, two-arm, ...
The height of the boundary layer and the mass transfer coefficient that described transport to and from the vessel wall were shown to stabilize on a time scale much shorter than the time scale over which concentration changes were empirically observed. Thus, the vascular space could be divided ...
EDITOR—There are three reasons why Rudd et al may be at fault when they conclude that early discharge of patients with stroke has no clinical importance.1 Firstly, the authors used the Barthel index as the main outcome measure. This scale is insensitive to change at higher scores.2 More th...
(1DOF). Position, force and torque sensors deliver patient-cooperative arm therapy supporting the patient when his/her abilities to move are inadequate. The combination of a haptic system with an audiovisual display is used to present the movement task to the patient. One small-scale CT [154...
You could assign a key command and then it would just be a matter of clicking the top layer, delete, correct, and run the script again. But if there are others making the corrections it could create problems. If you export as PDF/X-4 with grayscale downsampling turned off, it looks ...
hasKey (stringIDToTypeID('pattern'))){ var patternDesc = desc.getObjectValue(stringIDToTypeID('pattern')); Stroke.Scale = desc.getUnitDoubleValue (stringIDToTypeID( 'scale' )); Stroke.Linked = desc.getBoolean(stringIDToTypeID('linked')); Stroke.PatternName = patternDesc.getStri...
hasKey (stringIDToTypeID('pattern'))){ var patternDesc = desc.getObjectValue(stringIDToTypeID('pattern')); Stroke.Scale = desc.getUnitDoubleValue (stringIDToTypeID( 'scale' )); Stroke.Linked = desc.getBoolean(stringIDToTypeID('linked')); Stroke.PatternName = patternDesc.getStr...