About the Author Dr. David Schnarch is a licensed clinical psychologist and author of numerous books and articles on intimacy, sexuality, and relationships. Online: Four Points of Balance advertisement Relationships Essential Reads Can Love Survive Political Polarization? Re...
While the onset of a stroke is fast and sudden, the road to recovery is unfortunately slow and prolonged, since coping with the loss of basic motor functions and the path to relearning them can be arduous and frustrating. Source: New Africa / Shutterstock Physical, occupational and...
42、s or contradictory terms are combined.,震耳欲聋的沉默,残酷的仁慈,悲伤的乐观,活死人,聪明的傻瓜,psychiatrist psychiatry psychiatric ,saktrk philosopher philosophy philosophic .filsfik psychologist psychology psychological psychosocial saikusul physicist physics physical physiologist physiology .fizildi physiol...
Langhorne P, Coupar F, Pollock A. Motor recovery after stroke: a systematic review. Lancet Neurol. 2009;8:741–54. Jokinen H, Melkas S, Ylikoski R, Pohjasvaara T, Kaste M, Erkinjuntti T, Hietanen M. Post-stroke cognitive impairment is common even after successful clinical recovery. Eu...
37、hilosophyphilosophic.filsfikpsychologistpsychologypsychologicalpsychosocialsaikusulphysicistphysicsphysicalphysiologistphysiology.fizildiphysiologicalphysiciansurgeryphysiqueTherapistmanicuristmanicure,Vocabulary,-,80,AdoctorwhoistrainingtobeadoctorAdoctorwhodoesoperationAdoctorwhotreatmentalillness 38、Adoctorwhotreatonesteet...
A Couples Enrichment Weekend based on these precepts will be held in Seattle Washington, October 14-16, 2011. Read morehere. Help and support for sexual and relationship problems are available inthe forums of Crucible4Points.com. We're now onFacebook!Check out the Cruc...