The golden 35min of stroke intervention with ADAPT: effect of thrombectomy procedural time in acute ischemic stroke on outcome [Epub ahead of print].Spiotta AM, Vargas J, Turner R, Chaudry MI, Battenhouse H, Turk AS. The golden hour of stroke intervention: Effect of thrombectomy procedural ti...
A modified version of the Mediterranean and DASH diets, known as the MIND (Mediterranean-Dash Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) diet, was developed by faculty at Rush University Hospital in Chicago.90It also emphasizes fresh produce, whole grains, lean meats, and olive oil, and discourages...
We extracted the following data from included studies into a standardised template: type of study, participant population, study setting, intervention and co-interventions, time-frame, and outcomes. We graded levels of bias as high, low, or unclear, and assessed the quality of evidence for ...
Therefore, prevention and early intervention of depression after stroke should be an essential part of stroke rehabilitation, to reduce the risk of PSS-related behaviors, even though the biological mechanisms underlying PSS remain largely unclarified [19, 29]. Contradictory results have been reported ...
TACTICS - trial of Advanced CT Imaging and Combined Education support for drip and ship: evaluating the effectiveness of an ‘implementation intervention’ in providing better patient access to reperfusion therapies: protocol for a non-randomised controlled stepped wedge cluster trial in acute stroke. ...
[69], the affects of pharmacological intervention on spastic stretch reflexes during passive vs. voluntary movement [70], and in the 1990s EMG was combined with kinetic data to understand the effects of abnormal synergy patterns on reach workspace when lifting the arm against gravity [71]. This...
As a result, intervention studies have supported the implementation of antiplatelet therapy in specific populations with ischemic stroke, such as administering antiplatelet therapy before mechanical thrombectomy, which may indirectly improve the surgical success43. In the current study, several interventions,...
Mass media intervention in western Norway aimed at improving public recognition of stroke emergency response, and acute treatment J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. (2016) N. Cheng et al. Intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke within 3 hours versus between 3 and 4.5 hours of symptom onset Neuro...
Stroke survivors face many barriers to physical activity (PA). Solving physical inactivity after stroke requires a “systems-based” approach. We aimed to develop a complex intervention targeted at improving PA after stroke in Singapore using behaviour change theory and a co-design approach involving...
(2015) demonstrated that the resting energy expenditure of uncomplicated non-surgical intervention stroke patients was increased during the subacute phase and then gradually declined in the chronic phase and restored to its prior state. The study suggested a stress factor of 1.1–1.2 during the acute...