通过设置 stroke 属性,你可以为SVG图形元素添加描边,使图形更具视觉效果和辨识度。 ><gfill="none"stroke="black"stroke-width="9"stroke-dasharray="5,5"><pathd="M5 20 300 20"stroke="red"/><pathd="M5 40 300 40"stroke="black"stroke-widthstroke-dasharray"10,10"/><pathd="M5 60 300 60"s...
用法: stroke= "color" 属性值: paint:我们要绘制元素的颜色。 我们将使用stroke属性设置元素的颜色。 范例1:在此示例中,我们将使用stroke属性设置圆形元素的颜色。 <!DOCTYPE html><svgviewBox="0 0 200 100"xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><circlecx="10"cy="10"r="5"fill="none"stroke="gre...
SVG Color Names. There are the 147 color names defined by the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Specification. You may set named colors like this: stroke="Green" or fill="Red". HEX Color Codes. The code is expressed as follows: #RRGGBB, where each of the two-digit values is a range of...
stroke: var(--color-red-200);/* oklch(0.885 0.062 18.334) */ stroke-red-300 stroke: var(--color-red-300);/* oklch(0.808 0.114 19.571) */ Show more Examples Basic example Use utilities likestroke-indigo-500andstroke-lime-600to change the stroke color of an SVG: ...
1. SVG中stroke属性的作用stroke属性用于定义图形元素的轮廓颜色、宽度、样式等。例如: xml <svg width="100" height="100"> <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="5" fill="red" /> </svg> ...
仔细研究一番,发现其实还蛮简单的。主要用到了svg的stroke属性。 stroke属性简介 stroke就是元素的一个轮廓属性,可应用于任何种类的线条,文字和元素。即给现有图形增加轮廓用 一些会用到的stroke属性 stroke 表示的是轮廓的颜色。值和color一样,支持rgba透明通道(为啥不是stroke-color?) ...
stroke-zinc-*: This class sets the zinc color in SVG. stroke-neutral-*: This class sets the neutral color in SVG. stroke-stone-*: This class sets the stone color in SVG. stroke-red-*: This class sets the red color in SVG. stroke-orange-*: This class sets the orange color in SVG...
</svg> 输出: 范例2:下面的示例演示了如何使用color-name属性值使用stroke-color属性 <!DOCTYPEhtml> .geek{fill:green;stroke-width:10px;stroke:red; } GeeksforGeeks <svgviewBox="0 0 1200 400"> <circlecx="600"cy="100"r="80"class="geek"> </circle> </svg> 输出: ...
SVG supports multiple stroke properties.Following are the main stroke properties used.Sr.No.Stroke Type & Description 1 stroke − defines color of text, line or outline of any element. 2 stroke-width − defines thickness of text, line or outline of any element. 3 stroke-linecap − ...
SVG Stroke AttributesThe stroke attribute sets the color of the line drawn around an element.Here we will look at the six stroke attributes:stroke - sets the color of the line around an element stroke-width - sets the width of the line around an element stroke-opacity - sets the opacity ...