Vision Problems After Ischemic Stroke: Effects on Quality of LifeDinkin, MarcNeurology Alert
binocular visionHong Kong Chineseoculomotor deficitsvisual deficitsstrokeBackground Stroke, a common cerebrovascular accident, usually results in various extents of functional disability. Extensive studies have shown that ocular and visual problems are common in patients with stroke. Unfortunately, current ...
If the stroke occurs in the right side of the brain, the left side of the body will be affected. In that case, additional symptoms may include vision problems and memory loss. In addition, if the stroke occurs in the brain stem, or the central trunk of the brain, a person may be le...
Problems with your vision Severe headaches Causes and risk factors of TIA are the same as in an ischemic stroke. A TIA can sometimes be a warning sign that you'll have an ischemic stroke soon. Don't take chances if you or someone you know has any symptoms that seem like a stroke. Get...
Problems with vision, such as dimness or loss of vision in one or both eyes Dizziness or problems with balance or coordination Problems with movement or walking Fainting or fits or convulsions Sudden severe headaches with no known cause
症状:severe headache剧烈的头疼, weakness无力, numbness麻木, vision problems视力出现问题, confusion迷糊, trouble walking or talking走路说话有困难, dizziness 头晕and slurred speech口齿不清。 arteriovenous malformation (AVM)脑动静脉畸形容易引起出血性中风。
Read about stroke symptoms such as dizziness, sudden headache, weakness in an arm or leg on the same side, weakness in the muscles of the face, difficulty speaking, and vision problems. Learn about stroke causes, types, signs, treatment, recovery, progno
The effects of stroke can be frightening and may include weakness, confusion, vision problems, speech difficulties, trouble walking, loss of balance, incoordination, and impaired communication to name a few.Disability from stroke negatively impacts the lives of patients and caregivers, and survivors ...
Vision problems, such as sudden blurred or double vision, can occur during a stroke. If vision changes occur suddenly and without explanation, it's crucial to seek medical attention promptly.Face:Facial drooping or asymmetry is a common indicator of a stroke. If one side of the face droops ...
E = Eyes: Loss of vision in one or both eyes F = Face: Face droops on one side A = Arms: Arm drops when both arms are raised S = Speech: Speech is slurred or sounds different T = Time: Time to get help immediatelyWhat are the signs and symptoms of a stroke?The...