We're the UK's leading stroke charity. We offer life-long support on the long and gruelling recovery journey for all stroke survivors and their families.
Brainomix 360 Stroke automated software providing AI decision support for stroke on non-contrast CT, CT Perfusion and brain scans. Integrated stroke care software.
She had motivated them to neg jeans or applying her make-up.disabilities.She received a huge outpouring of love and support B. Her inspiration led them to have s from her viewers, including messages of love from other faith in life.stroke survivors and people who suffer from other similar ...
2. Here, in cross-ancestry GWAS meta-analyses of 110,182 patients who have had a stroke (five ancestries, 33% non-European) and 1,503,898 control individuals, we identify association signals for stroke
Discover the latest medical AI developments and news from Brainomix automated software solutions for stroke care, lung cancer and other lung diseases such as IPF.
While young stroke survivors adapt to their illness over time, they continue to experience impairments and disruptions in their personal and work lives. A holistic model of rehabilitation that helps individuals regain the capacity for everyday activities related to work, family life, and leisure can...
Kuluski K; Dow C; Locock L;.Life interrupted and life regained? Coping with stroke at a young age.Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being.2014.252-Kuluski K, Dow C, Locock L, et al. Life interrupted and life regained? Coping with stroke at a young age. Int J Qual Stud Health Well-...
BEIJING, Sept. 3 (Xinhua) -- Chinese researchers have developed a tool for predicting personalized 10-year and lifetime stroke risks among Chinese adults, which will facilitate the identification and prevention of the disease in China. Risk assessment is essential for the primary prevention of stro...
sectional study.A total of 40 community-dwelling people with stroke and their proxies (total n = 80).Participants were evaluated separately in face-to-face interviews using the Assessment of Life Habits questionnaire (LIFE-H 3.1), which documents participation in daily activities and social roles....
Importantly, laboratory testing should not delay basic life support, nor should it delay rapid and effective reduction in body temperature. Because HS has distinct characteristics different from general critical illnesses and because the disease progresses rapidly resulting in indicators at highly abnormal ...