小中风TIA transient ischemic attack, 是暂时堵了一小会儿又自行疏通了,它的症状和真正的中风相似,是中风大风暴即将到来的红色预警。一定要重视。 检查: § Physical examination: a doctor will ask about the patient's symptoms and medical history. They may check blood pressure, listen to the carotid ar...
ischemic enteropathy 缺血性肠病 ischemic myopathy 缺血性肌病 相似单词 ischemic a. 1.缺血性的 stroke n.[C] 1.击球(动作) 2.(打、击等的)一下,一击 3.划水动作;划桨动作 4.[常构成复合词]游泳姿势 5.(指挥船上其他桨手的)尾桨手 6.[usually sing.]【英 upward stroke 上冲程 heart strok...
ischemic stroke [医]缺血性发作;例句:1.Study on family support influencing prognosis of ischemic stroke.家庭支持对缺血性脑卒中预后的影响研究。
Objective To explore the relationship between neurologic function impairment and ADL in patients acuteischemic stroke. 目的探讨急性缺血性脑卒中神经功能缺损对日常生活能力(ADL)的影响. 互联网 OBJECTIVE : To observe the therapeutic effect of ozagrel in treating acuteischemic stroke. ...
Stroke: Ischemic stroke on the rise in children and young adultsHospitalization for ischemic stroke became more frequent among children and young adults between 1995 and 2008, according to research conducted in the USA. This trend was accompanied by a rise in traditional stroke risk factors, ...
网络缺血性卒中;缺血性脑卒中;缺血性中风 网络释义
【原文】A stroke is a medical emergency. Strokes happen when blood flow to your brain stops. Within minutes, brain cells begin to die. There are two kinds of stroke. The more common kind, called ischemic stroke, is caused by a blood clot that blocks or plugs a blood vessel in the brai...
2月16日,美国心脏/卒中协会(AHA/ASA)官方期刊STROKE杂志正式发表了依达拉奉右莰醇治疗急性缺血性卒中(Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke with Edaravone Dexborneol, TASTE)Ⅲ期临床研究结果。相比于依达拉奉,依达拉奉右莰醇显著提高了AIS患者90天功能独立的比例。这一领域相关治疗药物三十年来罕有阳性结果,此次来自中国本...
Ischemic stroke is also referred to as brain ischemia and cerebral ischemia. This type of stroke is caused by a blockage in an artery that supplies blood to the brain. The blockage reduces the blood flow and oxygen to the brain, leading to damage or death of brain cells. ...
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 2023年6月文章 以下由机器智能翻译,仅供参考。 1.Quantifying infarct core volume in ischemic stroke: What is the optimal threshold and parameters of computed tomography perfusion? 量化...