Strived is often used as a past tense of strive in modern contexts, while strove is the traditional historical past tense.
网络奋斗 过去式:strove过去式:strived过去分词:striven现在分词:striving第三人称单数:strives 同义词 v. struggle,endeavour,endeavor,go all out,do your best 英汉 英英 网络释义 v. 1. 力求,努力 (to do; for; after) 2. 竞争,斗争 (with);反抗 (against)...
Kids Definition strive verb ˈstrīv stroveˈstrōv alsostrivedˈstrīvd ;strivenˈstriv-ən orstrived;strivingˈstrī-viŋ 1 :to try hard:endeavor striveto win 2 :to struggle against:contend striver ˈstrī-vər noun
intr.v.strove(strōv)orstrived,striv·en(strĭv′ən)orstrived,striv·ing,strives 1.Toexertmucheffortorenergy;endeavor. 2.Tostruggleorfightforcefully;contend:striveagainstinjustice. [MiddleEnglishstriven,fromOldFrenchestriver,fromestrit,estrif,quarrel;seestrife.] ...
to exert much effort or energy 同义词:reachstrain 学习怎么用 词组短语 strive for争取,奋斗 strive to develop努力发展;大力发展 strive after奋斗;争取 strive against反抗 strive for freedom力争自由 双语例句 用作不及物动词(vi.) He strove for recognition as an artist. ...
關於Strived的意思和用法的提問 其他提問 "Strived"有關的其他問題 Q: is it strive strove striven or strive strived strived? A: All correct 查看更多回答 Q: however i strived ,i couldn't persuade him to play the part of Hamlet 聼起來自然嗎? A: You'd more likely say, "However ...