Synonym Study Seetry. Discover More Example Sentences “Whatever policies we pursue, it’s important to strive for balance while preserving a sense of humility,” he writes. FromLos Angeles Times “We had a nice meeting toward the end of the season and everyone is striving for the same thin...
The meaning of STRIVE is to devote serious effort or energy : endeavor. How to use strive in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Strive.
The meaning of STRIVE is to devote serious effort or energy : endeavor. How to use strive in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Strive.
The meaning of STRIVE is to devote serious effort or energy : endeavor. How to use strive in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Strive.
The meaning of STRIVE is to devote serious effort or energy : endeavor. How to use strive in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Strive.