Stripe 出于各种原因(包括法律、合同和商业原因)决定禁止的个人或实体,例如美国、英国、欧盟或联合国的被限制人员或团体清单中指定的个人或实体,或以其他方式受限制的个人或实体,包括美国海外资产控制办公室维护的制裁或美国商务部维护的被拒绝的个人或实体清单。 此外,禁止将 Stripe 的产品和服务直接或间接用于: 禁止...
De handel in goederen die bij wet verboden zijn voor export naar of import uit Rusland (bijvoorbeeld luxegoederen, gevoelige goederen op de Lijst van gemeenschappelijke goederen met hoge prioriteit (Common High Priority Items List), enterprisemanagementsoftware en ontwerpsoftware). Verboden onder...
Prohibited uses of Stripe Products Use of Stripe products with false, manipulated, inaccurate, or misleading information regarding your identity, business entity, the nature of the business, and any other information requested by Stripe. If there are any changes to your personal and business informat...
Prohibited uses of Stripe Products Use of Stripe products with false, manipulated, inaccurate, or misleading information regarding your identity, business entity, the nature of the business, and any other information requested by Stripe. If there are any changes to your personal and business informat...
Prohibited uses of Stripe Products Use of Stripe products with false, manipulated, inaccurate, or misleading information regarding your identity, business entity, the nature of the business, and any other information requested by Stripe. If there are any changes to your personal and business informat...
Quando l'utente crea l'account Stripe, gli viene chiesto di fornire ulteriori informazioni (ad esempio la prova delle licenze o ulteriori dettagli in merito al modello di business) per confermare l'idoneità all'uso di Stripe. A causa delle regole dei circuiti delle carte di credito, dei...
Quando l'utente crea l'account Stripe, gli viene chiesto di fornire ulteriori informazioni (ad esempio la prova delle licenze o ulteriori dettagli in merito al modello di business) per confermare l'idoneità all'uso di Stripe. A causa delle regole dei circuiti delle carte di credito, dei...
Prohibited uses of Stripe Products Use of Stripe products with false, manipulated, inaccurate, or misleading information regarding your identity, business entity, the nature of the business, and any other information requested by Stripe. If there are any changes to your personal and business informat...
Prohibited uses of Stripe Products Use of Stripe products with false, manipulated, inaccurate, or misleading information regarding your identity, business entity, the nature of the business, and any other information requested by Stripe. If there are any changes to your personal and business informat...
Prohibited uses of Stripe Products Use of Stripe products with false, manipulated, inaccurate, or misleading information regarding your identity, business entity, the nature of the business, and any other information requested by Stripe. If there are any changes to your personal and business informat...