相关产品 Terminal:定制化线下终端支付 Instant Payouts:向用户即时打款 Payment Elements:提供自定义支付 UI Issuing 利用银行即服务构建金融科技产品 启动、管理和扩展商务卡项目,无需任何设置费用。 开始使用 Issuing 相关产品 Treasury:金融账户 Capital:提供快速灵活的融资选项 Connect:助力平台支付 全球...
不过我们需要先点击下方的Generate按钮,生成新的密码。 点击Generate按钮之后,就可以看到如下图所示的,生成的新secret word。 在2Checkout后台找到了Merchant Code和INS Secret Word信息之后,将他们分别复制粘贴到Shopify后台的Account Information 板块中,如下图所示。 在Accepted Payments中,默认所有的Payment Methods都是...
不过我们需要先点击下方的Generate按钮,生成新的密码。 点击Generate按钮之后,就可以看到如下图所示的,生成的新secret word。 在2Checkout后台找到了Merchant Code和INS Secret Word信息之后,将他们分别复制粘贴到Shopify后台的Account Information 板块中,如下图所示。 在Accepted Payments中,默认所有的Payment Methods都是...
Customers can pay immediately with a credit card, bank transfer, or other payment method. Most Stripe invoices are paid within three days. 4 Simplify operations Manage invoices straight from the Dashboard. Automate tasks using our suite of advanced features. Generate an invoice Add a product...
"invoice": "in_1F6ygiLwhwXHyztNFyuSbWhd", "last_payment_error": null, "livemode": false, "metadata": { }, "next_action": null, "on_behalf_of": null, "payment_method": null, "payment_method_options": { "card": { "request_three_d_secure": "automatic" } }, "payment_metho...
It’s worth mentioning that Stripe also offers a bunch of cool invoice management stuff like sending email notifications or reminders to your customers upon failed payment attempts, after Stripe finalizes an invoice, with receipts after invoices are paid, and more. ...
Send invoice Charge default payment method For customers that receive invoices, you have a one hour period after creation before Stripe finalizes the subscription. Within this timeframe you can make necessary changes to the subscription, like changing amount or line items, adding a description or me...
点击Generate按钮之后,就可以看到如下图所示的,生成的新secret word。 在2Checkout后台找到了Merchant Code和INS Secret Word信息之后,将他们分别复制粘贴到Shopify后台的Account Information 板块中,如下图所示。 在Accepted Payments中,默认所有的Payment Methods都是勾选上的,我们不需要做任何的修改。
constpayload={id:'evt_test_webhook',object:'event',};constpayloadString=JSON.stringify(payload,null,2);constsecret='whsec_test_secret';constheader=stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({payload:payloadString,secret,});constevent=stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(payloadString,header,secret);// Do ...