调用stripe.createPaymentMethod 返回PaymentMethod 构建结账表单 客户端 Elements是 Stripe.js 的一部分,它提供一个用于从客户收集银行卡详情的临时 UI 组件。它们由 Stripe 托管,以 iframe 形式放入您的支付表单,这样客户的银行卡详情永远不会触碰您的代码。
Payment Methods The PaymentMethod objectCreate a PaymentMethodUpdate a PaymentMethodRetrieve a Customer's PaymentMethodRetrieve a PaymentMethodList a Customer's PaymentMethodsList PaymentMethodsAttach a PaymentMethod to a CustomerDetach a PaymentMethod from a Customer Payment Method Configurations Payment Met...
e-mail us the new URL at supportplus@2checkout.com in order to update your 2Checkout account, and thus avoid a communication mismatch. Currently, when you are using a third-party cart and want to have multiple URLs, you need to create a new account for each new URL. ...
在 React 中,一些 HTML 元素,比如 input 和 textarea,具有 onChange 事件。onChange 事件是一个非常...
app.post('/create-checkout-session', async (req, res) => { const session = await stripe.checkout.sessions.create({ payment_method_types: ['card'], line_items: [{ price_data: { currency: 'usd', product_data: { name: '产品名称', ...
You can also create invoices to charge customers. You’ll add a product from your created list, and either charges a payment method you have on file or request payment from the customer. The invoice can then be emailed to your customer or exported as a .pdf. ...
.max(255,'maximum 255 characters allowed').required('password is required'),}) 将此代码添加到 style.js 文件 import{StyleSheet}from'react-native'import{Theme}from'../../utils/Theme'conststyles=StyleSheet.create({logoView:{width:Theme.
funccreatePaymentIntent(products:[Product],shippingMethod:PKShippingMethod?,country:String?=nil,completion:@escaping((Result<String,Error>)->Void)){leturl=self.baseURL.appendingPathComponent("create_payment_intent")varparams:[String:Any]=["metadata":[// example-mobile-backend allows passing metadata...
当用户点击“Pay Now”按钮时,我正在调用 paymentIntents create api 向客户收费。 const paymentIntent = await stripe.paymentIntents.create({ amount: amount, currency: 'usd', customer: customerId, payment_method: defaultPaymentMethod, confirm: true, return_url: process.env["WEBURL"], }); 此代...
Summary An NSInvalidArgumentException crash occurs after attempting to call createPaymentMethod(with:completion:) using the paymentMethodParams extracted from a STPPaymentCardTextField. Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvali...