这家私人高级牛排餐厅位于曼哈顿,地址是15 W 44th St, New York, NY 10036。🥩 这里的牛排绝对是一绝,尤其是new york strip steak和rib eye,简直让人欲罢不能。Strip House的干式熟成技术让rib eye的油花更加丰富,口感丰盈多汁,而new york strip则弹性十足,口感绝佳。🍽️ 餐厅的装潢充满了老牌美式牛排...
地址: 15 W 44th St, New York, NY 10036 电话:+1-212-33654** 更多信息 写评价 网友评价(23) 全部图片(16)好评(21)中评(2)差评(0) 宁古塔刘姥姥 人均:727元 环境属于比较幽暗的红色。差不多5点以后就会把灯调到比较暗的氛围里。服务整体来说是过关的,但是有一点点假笑୧୨ ...
Strip House Strip House纽约 如果你想找一家充满时髦而迷离氛围的牛排餐厅享用一顿美妙的牛排大餐,那么Strip House无疑是一个好去处。昏暗的灯光,天鹅绒装饰的红墙,以及黑白两色的挂饰, 都营造了一种非比寻常的性感氛围。 纽约Strip House 介绍 如果你想找一家充满时髦而迷离氛围的牛排餐厅享用一顿美妙的牛排大餐,...
Strip House位于13 E 12th St, New York, NY 10003, United States简介:你想找一家充满时髦而迷离氛围的牛排餐厅享用一顿美妙的牛排大餐,那么Strip House无疑是一个好去处。这是一个主题餐饮餐厅,土豆和鹅肝也口味独特,这个地方非常适合爱人来,一定会非常喜欢这里。Strip House开门时间:全年 周一,周日 17:00-22...
Old world glamour meets modern style and sophistication at Strip House Steakhouse Midtown New York. Host an event for 20 - 220 people, anything from a simple cocktail reception with mouth-watering filet mignon & Portobello skewers to an extravagant Strip House Steakhouse experience complete with our...
Address:13 E 12th St, New York, NY 10003 Phone:+12123280000 Website:https://www.striphouse.com/venues/downtown Steakhouses Bars How far is it from Metropolitan Room to Strip House? How do I schedule a Lyft ride from Metropolitan Room to Strip House? How many passengers can ride in a ...
在纽约,Strip House是一家备受推荐的牛排餐厅,尤其以其New York Strip Steak而著名。这里提供的牛排品质上乘,烹饪技艺精湛,是品尝New York Strip的绝佳去处。 综上所述,New York Strip是一种极具特色的牛排部位,以其独特的肉质特点和烹饪后的美味口感而备受喜爱。无论是家庭聚餐还是节日...
Strip Stakes.Focuses on the restaurants Strip House and Nick & Stef's Steakhouse in New York City. Menus available at the restaurants.PlattAdamNew York
Address:13 E 12th St, New York, NY 10003 Phone:+12123280000 Website:https://www.striphouse.com/venues/downtown Steakhouses Bars How far is it from Islanders Iceworks to Strip House? How do I schedule a Lyft ride from Islanders Iceworks to Strip House? How many passengers can ride in ...
I'm not usually one to go to Strip clubs. However, my girlfriends dragged me out of the house, and it turns out I really enjoyed the Avalon male strip club revue show in Manhattan. I don't think I have ever had a better time on a girls night out. The guys were very kind and ...