1、java.lang.String 2、java.lang.StringBuffer 3、java.lang.StrungBuilder 三者共同之处:都是final类,不允许被继承,主要是从性能和安全性上考虑的,因为这几个类都是经常被使用着,且考虑到防止其中的参数被参数修改影响到其他的应用。 StringBuffer是线程安全,可以不需要额外的同步用于多线程中; StringBuilder是非...
//Appends the specified string builder to this sequence.privateStringBuilder append(StringBuilder sb) {if(sb ==null)returnappend("null");intlen =sb.length();intnewcount = count +len;if(newcount >value.length) expandCapacity(newcount); sb.getChars(0, len, value, count); count=newcount;re...
public final class String implements java.io.Serializable, Comparable<String>, CharSequence { /** The value is used for character storage. */ private final char value[]; /** Cache the hash code for the string */ private int hash; // Default to 0 ... } 从上面可以看出 String类被final...
Allocates a new string that contains the sequence of characters currently contained in the string builder argument. The contents of the string builder are copied; subsequent modification of the string builder does not affect the newly created string. This constructor is provided to ease migration ...
public StringtoLowerCase() {}。 public StringtoUpperCase() {}。 public Stringtrim() {}:去除字符串前后的空白字符,空白字符包括空格、制表符和换行符。 public booleanstartsWith(String prefix) {}。 public booleanstartsWith(String prefix, int toffset) {}。
publicclassDemo01{publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){//创建StringBuffer对象StringBuffer sb =newStringBuffer("跟一一哥,");//在字符串后面追加新的字符串 sb.append("学Java!");System.out.println(sb);//删除指定位置上的字符串,从指定的下标开始和结束,下标从0开始 sb.delete(2,4);System....
java.lang.String 类代表字符串。Java程序中所有的字符串文字(例如 "abc" )都可以被看作是实现此类的实例
java的StringBuilder与StringBuffer类源码详解 类的定义 abstract class AbstractStringBuilder implements Appendable, CharSequence { char[] value; int count; AbstractStringBuilder() { } AbstractStringBuilder(int capacity) { value = new char[capacity]; ...
which are overloaded so as to accept data of any type. Each effectively converts a given datum to a string and then appends or inserts the characters of that string to the string builder. The append method always adds these characters atthe end of the builder; the insert method adds the ...
String(StringBuilder builder):根据StringBuilder对象来创建对应的String对象 操作字符串对象的方法 char charAt(int index):获取字符串中的某一个字符,其中的参数 index 指的是字符串中序数。字符串的序数从0开始到length()-1 int compareTo (String anotherString ):当前String对象与anotherString比较 。相等返回0;不...