错误 不存在从 “std::string“ 到“LPCSTR“ 的适当转换函数 简介:错误 不存在从 “std::string“ 到“LPCSTR“ 的适当转换函数 遇到这样的问题需要将std:string类型转为LPCSTR类型。 标准库的std::string转换成LPCSTR很简单:直接调用c_str()即可。例: std::string a="abc"; LPCSTR str = a.c_str(); ...
LPCSTR a1= "abc"; string a2 = "abcde"; a1 = a2.c_str(); (2)在Unicode字符集下 LPCTSTR相当于LPCWSTR。它相当于wchar_t。能够用下述的语句对它进行赋值 LPCWSTR a1; wstring a2; a1 = a2.c_str(); (3)把ANSI字符串转换成Unicode字符集,能够用例如以下函数 wstring ANSIToUnicode(string str) { ...
以下是一个示例代码,演示如何将C-String转换为LPCSTR: 代码语言:txt 复制 #include <Windows.h> LPCSTR CStringToLPCSTR(const char* cString) { // 获取C-String的长度 int length = strlen(cString); // 获取所需缓冲区大小 int bufferSize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, cString, length, NULL, 0);...
如果程序不使用UNICODE字符集,我们可以直接将std::string的c_str()方法返回的const char*转换为LPCSTR。 2. 编写代码实现std::string到std::wstring的转换(如果需要) cpp #include <string> #include <windows.h> std::wstring StringToWString(const std::string& str) { int len = Mult...
LPCTSTR想当于LPCSTR,当中L指long。P指Point,C指Const。在程序中能够直接用char*类型的数据对LPCSTR进行赋值,用下述语句: LPCSTR a1= "abc"; string a2 = "abcde"; a1 = a2.c_str(); (2)在Unicode字符集下 LPCTSTR相当于LPCWSTR。它相当于wchar_t。能够用下述的语句对它进行赋值 ...
voidTakesString(LPCSTR param);voidf(conststd::string& param){TakesString(param.c_str()); } Note that you shouldn't attempt to do something like this. LPCSTRGetString(){std::stringtmp("temporary");returntmp.c_str(); } The buffer returned by.c_str()is owned by thestd::stringinstance...
and LPCTSTR xyz; now i want to assing the value of abc to xyz somethign like this xyz=z; i am gettin a error from string to lpctstr conversionYou need to use z.c_str() - and also you may need to use tstring rather than string (since you're using LPCTSTR rather than LPCSTR).Da...
and LPCTSTR xyz; now i want to assing the value of abc to xyz somethign like this xyz=z; i am gettin a error from string to lpctstr conversionYou need to use z.c_str() - and also you may need to use tstring rather than string (since you're using LPCTSTR rather than LPCSTR).Da...
CString与PLCWSTR,PLSTR, CHAR 存放单个字符 WCHAR 存放双字符 TCHAR 与WCHAR无异 PTCHAR 指向双字符类型字符串 LPSTR 一个32位的指向字符串的指针 LPCSTR 一个32位的指向字符串常量的指针 LPWSTR 一个32位的指向unicode字符串的指针 LPCWSTR 一个32位的指向unicode字符串常量的指针 PSTR 指向字符串的指针,...C+...
QString 转 LPCSTR亲测有效,网上太多假的真难受QStringq_str="ffmpeg";LPCSTRc_str=(LPCSTR)q_str.toLocal8Bit();效果图: