Complete the method/function so that it converts dash/underscore delimited words into camel casing. The first word within the output should be capitalized only if the original word was capitalized. Examples: // returns "theStealthWarrior"console.log(toCamelCase("the-stealth-warrior"));// returns...
在前端开发中,将String AnyName转换为Camelcase可以使用以下方法: 使用JavaScript的内置函数: 代码语言:txt 复制 function toCamelCase(str) { return str.replace(/(?:^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w)/g, function(word, index) { return index === 0 ? word.toLowerCase() : word.toUpperCase(); }).replace(/\...
Javascript String toCamel() /**/**/* */String.prototype.toCamel =function(){returnthis.replace(/^([A-Z])|\s(\w)/g,function(match, p1, p2, offset) {if(p2)returnp2.toUpperCase();returnp1.toLowerCase(); }); }; ...
Complete the function/method so that it takes CamelCase string and returns the string in snake_case notation. Lowercase characters can be numbers. If method gets number, it should return string. Examples: console.log(toUnderscore('TestController'));// test_controllerconsole.log(toUnderscore('Movi...
Complete the method/function so that it converts dash/underscore delimited words intocamel casing. The first word within the output should be capitalizedonlyif the original word was capitalized (known as Upper Camel Case, also often referred to as Pascal case). The next words should be always ...
Converts a string to camel case by removing underscores and capitalizing the following character. Example: const{camelizeString}=require('string-in-js');console.log(camelizeString('some_variable_name'));// Output: someVariableNameconsole.log(camelizeString('another_string'));// Output: anotherStr...
var camelcase = require( '@stdlib/string-base-camelcase' ); camelcase( str ) Converts a string to camel case. var out = camelcase( 'foo bar' ); // returns 'fooBar' out = camelcase( 'IS_MOBILE' ); // returns 'isMobile' out = camelcase( 'Hello World!' ); // returns 'hell...
stringObject.toLowerCase() 【功能】:把字符串转换为小写。 【案例】:使用 String 对象的 toUpperCase() 方法来将字符串小写字母转换为大写: <!DOCTYPE html>string对象var message="I love JavaScript!"; var mychar= message.toUpperCase(); document.write("字符串为:"+mychar+""); 【备注】 如果是变小...
JavaScript 缺乏完整的字符串操作。Underscore.string.js 试图填补这一空白。您可以在 深入JavaScript 中找到生成中方法列表 正如名称指出的Underscore.string.js为 Underscore.js 的扩展,但你可以独立使用 _s 全局变量。但配合 Underscore.js 使用,您可以使用面向对象的样式和链式调用:...
camelCase([string=’’]) 把字符串转化为驼峰格式,(中间部分首字母大写) 返回字符串 let s="I love china"let result=_.camelCase(s)console.log(result) capitalize函数—首字母大写 capitalize([string=’’]) 将字符串的首字母转化为大写,其余小写 ...