摘要: String theory is changing the relationship between mathematics and physics. The central role is played by the phenomenon of duality, which is intrinsic to quantum physics and abundant in string theory.关键词: High Energy Physics - Theory Mathematical Physics Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry ...
String theory is changing the relationship between mathematics and physics. The central role is played by the phenomenon of duality, which is intrinsic to quantum physics and abundant in string theory.AGANAGICDEPARTMENTSMINADEPARTMENTSEBSCO_AspBulletin of the American Mathematical Society...
Gauss's magic shoelace area formula and its calculus companion高斯神奇的鞋带面积公式 141 -- 43:15 App The Lost Symbol_ - Magic Squares and the Masonic Cipher 140 -- 2:36 App Fibonacci Sequence in Music - original theory 594 5 14:43 App How not to Die Hard with Math如何跟数学死磕...
Physics250:StringTheoryandM-Theory Instructor:PetrHoˇrava Spring2007,Tue&Thu,2:10-3:30,402LeConteHall Stringtheoryisoneofthemostexcitingandchallengingareasofmoderntheoretical physics,whosetechniquesandconceptshaveimplicationsindiversefieldsrangingfrom puremathematics,toparticlephenomenology,tocosmology,to...
“Our efforts, initially, were never to find a way to look at pi. All we were doing was studying high-energy physics in quantum theory and trying to develop a model with fewer and more accurate parameters to understand how particles interact. We were excited when we got a new way to lo...
undergraduate physics or mathematics students) can be found in: Barton Zwiebach, 2004, A First Course in String Theory, Cambridge University Press. The best current working model of particle physics is the Standard Model. We have explored aspects of this theory ...
Related to string: String theorystring (strĭng) n. 1. a. Material made of drawn-out, twisted fiber, used for fastening, tying, or lacing. b. A strand or cord of such material. 2. Music a. A cord stretched on an instrument and struck, plucked, or bowed to produce tones. b....
It is perfectly suited to introductory courses in string theory for students with a background in mathematics and physics. This new edition contains completely new chapters on the AdS/CFT correspondence, an introduction to superstrings, and new sections covering strings on orbifolds, cosmic strings, ...
Part of the book series:Theoretical and Mathematical Physics(TMP) Altmetric About this book Graduate students typically enter into courses on string theory having little to no familiarity with the mathematical background so crucial to the discipline. As such, this book, based on lecture notes, edit...
Power-lawsingularitiesinstringtheoryandM-theory 系统标签: singularitiesstringlawtheorypowersingularity a r X i v : h e p - t h / 0 4 0 4 1 7 2 v 1 2 2 A p r 2 0 0 4 Power-lawsingularitiesinstringtheoryandM-theory G.Papadopoulos DepartmentofMathematics King’sCollegeLondon LondonWC...