1、 利用 cross apply 配合 string_split 该表值函数实现拆分 2、 string_split 返回一个单列的表,列名固定为"value"(无法通过函数参数修改) 。 参考: STRING_SPLIT (Transact-SQL) 官方文档 docs.microsoft.com/zh-c 发布于 2021-10-12 20:49 ...
在MySQL中,没有内置的函数可以直接实现类似于SQL Server中的CROSS APPLY和STRING_SPLIT的功能。但我们可以通过一些方法来模拟实现这个功能。 在本文中,我将教会你如何使用MySQL来模拟实现CROSS APPLY和STRING_SPLIT。 流程 为了实现CROSS APPLY和STRING_SPLIT,我们将按照以下步骤进行: 创建一个示例表格,用于测试和演示。
Users must create a report that shows the number of products per each tag, ordered by number of products, and to filter only the tags with more than two products. SQL Copy SELECT value as tag, COUNT(*) AS [number_of_articles] FROM Product CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(Tags, ',') GRO...
Users must create a report that shows the number of products per each tag, ordered by number of products, and to filter only the tags with more than two products. SQL SELECTvalueastag,COUNT(*)AS[number_of_articles]FROMProductCROSSAPPLYSTRING_SPLIT(Tags,',')GROUPBYvalueHAVINGCOUNT(*) >2ORD...
Complex string_split / PIVOT challenge Compose an Email Composite key and clustered index Composite Primary Key with Auto Increment Column COMPUTED COLUMN using deterministic UDF cannot be persisted Computed Columns in Table Variables or Table Types computed table cannot be persisted because the column ...
WITHV_ALLAS(SELECT'01'AS[Key],'Value_01,Value_02,Value_03'asTestUNIONALLSELECT'02'AS[Key],'Value_02'asTestUNIONALLSELECT'03'AS[Key],'Value_02,Value_03'asTest )SELECT[Key], Test, ValueFROMV_ALLCROSSAPPLY STRING_SPLIT(Test,',') ...
'Server does not support secure connections' error with SMTP mail and SSL 'string.Split(params char[])' has some invalid arguments 'string' does not contain a definition for 'empty' 'System.Threading.ThreadAbortException' occurred in mscorlib.dll...what is the error?how to solve??? 'System...
STRING_SPLIT 是一个表值函数,它根据指定的分隔符将字符串拆分为子字符串行。 兼容性级别为 130 STRING_SPLIT 要求兼容性级别至少为 130。 该级别低于 130 时,数据库引擎将找不到 STRING_SPLIT 函数。 若要更改数据库的兼容性级别,请参阅查看或更改数据库的兼容性级别。