// Import the functions you need from Casenator import { toCamelCase, toPascalCase, toKebabCase, toUpperCase, reverseString, substring, toCapitalCase, toConstantCase, toDotCase, toNoCase, toSnakeCase, toPathCase, toCobolCase, toLeetSpeak, convertToCustomDelimiter } from 'casenator'; // Camel...
When you do the UNSTRING, I would also collect the remainder in another field. Code: 05 First-half pic x(30). 05 Second-half pic x(30). UNSTRING INPUT-STRING delimited by 'BOX ' INTO First-half ,Second-half end-unstring INSPECT REVERSE(first-half) for first P tallying ...
一个简单的 reverse ICMP shell https://github.com/inquisb/icmpsh icmpsh 正/反向代理,内网穿透,端口转发 https://github.com/inconshreveable/ngrok ngrok pingtunnel 是把 tcp/udp/sock5 流量伪装成 icmp 流量进行转发的工具 https://github.com/esrrhs/pingtunnel pingtunnel pystinger - 一款使用webshell进行流...