Properties Expand table Chars[Int32] Gets the Char object at a specified position in the current String object. Length Gets the number of characters in the current String object.Methods Expand table Clone() Returns a reference to this instance of String. Compare(String, Int32, String, ...
Properties Methods Clone Compare CompareOrdinal CompareTo Concat Contains Copy CopyTo Create EndsWith EnumerateRunes Equals Format GetEnumerator GetHashCode GetPinnableReference GetTypeCode IndexOf IndexOfAny Insert Intern IsInterned IsNormalized IsNullOrEmpty IsNullOrWhiteSpace Join LastIndexOf LastIndexOfAny Normal...
Reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the specified string in the current String object. Parameters specify the starting search position in the current string, the number of characters in the current string to search, and the type of search to use for the specified string. ...
Compares two specified String objects using the specified comparison options and culture-specific information to influence the comparison, and returns an integer that indicates the relationship of the two strings to each other in the sort order. Compare(String, String, Boolean, CultureInfo) Compares ...
Exact solutions to the string equations of motion and constraints are obtained in these backgrounds and their physical properties (length, energy, pressure) are described. The existence of {\it multi-string} solutions, describing finitely or infinitely many strings, is shown to be a general ...
To find the properties of a MatchInfo object, type the following: select-string -path test.txt -pattern "test" |Get-Member|Format-List-property * Example 1 Copy C:\PS>"Hello","HELLO" | select-string -pattern "HELLO" -casesensitive Description --- This command performs a case-sensitive ...
Types, Properties, Methods, and Events Data Access and Data Structures Networking and Web Services Debugging, Error Handling, and Exceptions Deployment and Localization Performance Security in Silverlight Mobile Platform Development General Reference
. Connection String Properties NameDefaultDescription Connect Timeout -or-Connection Timeout 15 Seconds to try and make the connection. When these are up, an exception is thrown. Data Source -or-Server -or- Address -or- Addr -or- <User Defined> The name or IP address of the SQL...
Features and properties of string-view liteare ease of installation (single header), freedom of dependencies other than the standard library. To mimic C++17-like cooperation withstd::string,nonstd::string_viewprovides several non-standard conversion functions. These functions may beomitted via configur...
Returns the number of characters in a string, elements in an array, or root-level properties in an object. In Bicep, use the length function. Parameters Expand table ParameterRequiredTypeDescription arg1 Yes array, string, or object The array to use for getting the number of elements, the ...