Hello.. I am a Beginner in Matlab.. I want to know how to give string as an input.. If I use command, input('Enter a String'); It can accept only integers.. Please suggest few websites to learn programming in MATLAB.. Regards, Divya....
Open in MATLAB Online I used the following code, but got an error... functionoutput_string = codeit(txt); forii = 1:length(txt) input_char = txt(ii); ifinput_char>='a'&&input_char<='z'; reverse_alphabet= ['z' 'y' 'x' 'w' 'v' 'u' 't...
str= ["text1" "text2" ...]creates string array where each element is enclosed in a pair of double quotes. example str= "text1" + "text2"combines two strings using the+operator Convert Arrays str= string(A)converts the input array to a string array. For instance, ifAis numeric vect...
Error in ==> wsy at 16 gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); ??? Error while evaluating uimenu Callback. Matlab抛出的异常说明str2num函数使用错误,参数必须是字符数组(char array)或者是字符串(string)。在后台看了下获得的listbox里面的数据如下: ...
MATLAB Online で開く Hey guys, just a quick question, how could I ban all characters inputed by the user execpt 'i' and 'm'. Thanks y = input('Please enter the letter ''i'' for an imperial output or ''m'' for a metric output: ','s'); ...
Create a string array in MATLAB and pass it to a C++ MEX function: str(1) =""; str(2) ="Gemini"; str(3) = string(missing) result = myMexFcn(str); In the MEX function, assign the input to an array of typematlab::data::MATLABString. ...
根据异常信息判断, 您的这个类里面可能获得了一个 参数, 这个参数是一个, 空字符串 就是 ""这个东西, 这个东西强制转换为数字型一定会报错的.