String.fromCodePoint() 静态String.fromCodePoint() 方法返回使用指定的编码点序列创建的字符串。 String.fromCodePoint(num1)String.fromCodePoint(num1, num2)String.fromCodePoint(num1, num2,/* …, */...
❮PreviousJavaScript StringReferenceNext❯ Examples How to convert Unicode values to characters: letchar= String.fromCharCode(65); Try it Yourself » lettext = String.fromCharCode(72,69,76,76,79); Try it Yourself » Description TheString.fromCharCode()method converts Unicode values to char...
1、使用标签 建议用(标签可以控制转换特殊字符): <html:text property=“instruction” readonly=...
=>'SDWEA' String.fromCharCode(char...); //这是一个静态方法,根据一串数组编码返回一个字符串。 示例: var a = String.fromCharCode(67, 98, 111); console.log(a); =>'Cbo' string.toLocaleLowerCase(); //返回一个新字符串。使用本地化的规则,把这个字符串中的所有字母,转换成小写格式。主要用于...
Java是一门程序设计语言,它有三个版本,Java SE(标准版)、Java EE(企业版)和Java ME(微型版)。而...
通过使用String.fromCharCode()方法,我们将ASCII码转换为对应的字符。 步骤4:将字符添加到结果字符串中 result.push(char); 1. 使用push()方法将每个字符添加到结果数组中。 步骤5:返回结果字符串 letstringResult=result.join('');console.log(stringResult);// 输出转换后的字符串 ...
实现如下: var toLowerCase = function(str) { let resultStr = ''; for (let i=0, strLen=str.length; i<strLen; i++) { let tempChar = str[i]; resultStr += /[A-Z]/.test(tempChar)? String.fromCharCode(tempChar.charCodeAt()+32) : tempChar; } return resultStr; };...
Sometimes code may contain one-char string literals. My idea to obfuscate it with String.fromCharCode Example input: const justRandomExample = "[" + someVariable + "]"; Output: const justRandomExample = String.fromCharCode(91) + someVari...
However, the string"Happy Birthday"doesn't have any character at index53. Hence,message.codePointAt(53)returnsundefined. Also Read: JavaScript String fromCodePoint() JavaScript String charAt() JavaScript String charCodeAt()
JavaScript String charCodeAt() ThecharCodeAt()method returns the code of the character at a specified index in a string: The method returns a UTF-16 code (an integer between 0 and 65535). Example lettext ="HELLO WORLD"; letchar= text.charCodeAt(0); ...