在Tcl中,可利用stringcompare命令对字符串进行比较。该命令需要接收两个字符串参数。如果第一个字符串在字典中先于第二个字符串,返回-1;如果第一个字符串在字典中后于第二个字符串,返回1,如果两者相同,返回0,如下图所示。 string equal则是对两个字符串进行简单的比较,如两者严格相同,则返回1,否则返回0(与str...
puts [string compare s2 s3] >> -1 0#first—索引s2在s1中第一次出现的位置#last—索引s2在s1中最后一次出现的位置sets1"Hello World"sets2"o"puts [string first$s2$s1] puts [string last$s2$s1] >> 4 7#Match匹配字符串sets1"test@test.com"sets2"*@*.com"puts"Matching pattern s2 in s1"...
1. 字符串比较 Tcl读书笔记——字符串操作 ... ... 3. 简单搜索: string first: 4.字符串比较:string compare: 5. 字符串置换: string replace… www.51testing.com|基于10个网页 2. 字符串比较函数 3)字符串比较函数(String Compare) 调用格式:strcmp(字符串1,字符串2) 功能:将两字符串中的字符按 AS...
Tcl_DString internal, temp;staticintfirst =1;staticTcl_DString external;staticTcl_Encoding encoding;if(first) {/* The lexers require ASCII encoding. */encoding = Tcl_GetEncoding(NULL,"ascii");if(encoding ==NULL) {/* No ASCII encoding available. */return0; } Tcl_DStringInit(&external); ...
*/if(objP->typePtr == gTclStringTypeP) {/* * Do nothing, fall thru below to handle as default type. * This check is here just so the most common case of text * columns does not needlessly go through other type checks. */}elseif(objP->typePtr == gTclIntTypeP) {intival; ...
Enclosing a glob expression in curly braces will accomplish this. Syntax: string match pattern string Returns 1 if pattern matches string, else returns 0. pattern The pattern to compare to string. string The string to match against the pattern....
CAD(Compare And Delete),Delete the Key when the value is equal to the value in the engine Parameter Description: key: The key used to locate the string value: Delete only when the current value of string and value are equal Return value: ...
如果要从右侧开始检查,调用InStrRev函数,其语法是: InstrRev(stringcheck,stringmatch[, start[, compare]]) 替换字符串中的字符或子字符串在字符串中找到字符或子字符串后 2.8K20轻量级的灰度&配置平台|得物技术 return matcherEnumMap; }}字符串类型灰度规则匹配/** * 字符串匹配 */@Componentpublic class Stri...
x=first.compare(dummystr)?"unequal":"equal"; 28 $display("Test5: %s is %s to %s",first,x,dummystr); 29 //6. compare using the equality operator 30 x=(first==second)?"equal":"unequal"; 31 $display("Test6: %s is %s to %s",first,x,second); ...
在CMake中,我们可以使用string(COMPARE <EQUAL|NOTEQUAL|LESS|GREATER> <string1> <string2> )函数来比较两个字符串。这在处理版本号或者其他需要比较的场景中非常有用。 例如,我们可以通过比较两个版本号字符串,来判断一个软件是否需要更新。 4.2.3 字符串查找...