Strikethrough, subscript, and superscript elements. 中间划线,上标,下标元素。 6. decoration of text underline , strikethrough. 文本的效果(下划线、删除线)。 7. You can also specify multiple values; the property text-decoration= "underline line-through" turns on bo...
strikethrough 英[straɪki:θ'ru:]美[straɪkiθ'ru] 释义 常用 牛津词典 释义 (加)删除线; 双语例句 全部 1. For Conditional Formatting you can set Font Style, Underline, Color, and Strikethrough. 条件格式可以包括字体样式 、 下划线 、 颜色和删除线. 来自互联网 2. Makes the selection double...
【英】strikethrough, strikeout 取り消し線とは、テキストの中央部分に重ねて引いた線のことである。文書内容の取り消しを表す目的で用いられる。 一般的に、文書内容が誤った場合には、Deleteキーを使用するなどして当該箇所は削除される。取り消し線は、誤った内容を明示したり、いったん公開さ...
strikethroughS 开头单词回到顶部基本解释同根派生英汉例句 基本解释 n.删除线 同根派生 strikethrough相关词 英汉例句 For Conditional Formatting you can set Font Style, Underline, Color, and Strikethrough. 条件格式可以包括字体样式、下划线、颜色和删除线。 Parts separating two pressure chambers, a corrosion ...
'The strikethrough is the canonical symbol of the ... Get thee to a wiki - the great API challenge in action Mia 2009 'The strikethrough is the canonical symbol of the ... Rasmus Lerdorf on Hacking with PHP - tech talk at Open Hack London Mia 2009 'The strikethrough is the canonical ...
strikethrough verbnoun 语法 A line used to strike through a text.[..] +添加翻译 英文-罗姆语字典 tăiat 显示算法生成的翻译 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“strikethrough"翻译成 罗姆语 变形干 找不到示例,请考虑添加一个示例。
包含"Strikethrough"的句子的意思 Q:strikethrough是什麼意思 A:I think its when text is crossed out. Might also mean like to break through something. Not a common term conversationally. 查看更多回答 最新單字 Yah 役に立つ overall public 眠る ...
StrikeThrough 属性 指定文字是否有中划线。语法object.StrikeThrough [= Boolean] 属性StrikeThrough属性语法有这些部分: 组成部分 描述 对象 对象表达式,其值为“应用到”列表中的一个对象。 布尔值 文字中是否有删除线。Settings 布尔值的设置如下: 值 描述 True 文字带删除线。 False 没有删除线。应用到...
Strikethrough is a formatting style that's often used in technology, computing, programming, and communications. It involves adding a horizontal line through a piece of text to indicate that it has been deleted or marked as no longer relevant. You've probably seen it in various contexts, like...
While wielding a Two-Handed Weapon, or while wielding a Bastard Sword or Dwarven Axe in your main hand and a Shield, Orb, Rune Arm, or nothing in your offhand, your attacks can Strikethrough. When your attacks can Strikethrough, every attack has a chance ("Strikethrough Chance") to hit ...