释义striker dummies striker dummies发音 意思翻译 前锋假人 相似词语短语 stuffed dummies───填充假人 strike dumb───使瞠目结舌;使哑口无言 tailors dummies───裁缝假人 crash dummies───碰撞假人 double dummies───双明手 strike forces───致命打击;[军]打击力量 ...
Striker Dummies is a visually interesting action fighting game in which you control a wooden dummy ready to fight. The aim is simple – you must try and destroy the other wooden dummy by hitting it with your giant hammer! The winner of this intense duel is the first one to reach 5 point...
立即在LittleGames上免費玩 Striker Dummies。 Striker Dummies可免費使用。 在線播放 Striker Dummies Striker Dummies可作為HTML5遊戲在線玩,因此無需下載。 包含Striker Dummies的類別: 戰鬥 2人 行動 物理 錘子 人工智能 Striker Dummies Walkthrough 如果您在播放%s時需要幫助,請觀看我們的%s演練視頻。
Striker Dummies 制作方: Vardan Aleksanyan 短暂休息后,我们就会回来 准备中…… 广告
Striker Dummies 是一款极其逼真且激烈的格斗游戏,专为终极两人对决而设计,您可以在 Silvergames.com 上免费在线玩。准备好在同一台计算机上与朋友进行惊心动魄的战斗,或者与强大的 CPU 对手对战。指挥配备巨大锤子的木制假人,准备对彼此发动毁灭性的打击。你的任务:精确而熟练地进行攻击,利用假人的动作来摧毁你的对手...
Striker Dummies Face off each other using a hammer in the fighting game Striker Dummies and try to destroy your opponent by hitting them with powerful blows. Against the computer or against a friend, the duels will be intense and tactical! Try to control your hammer using all four directions...
Controls: Player 1: W ASDmovement Player 2: movement Striker Dummiesis a bit weird, but still a fun online game where you’ll be fighting testing dummies. At the beginning of the game you can pick whether you want to play against AI or real players. The game doesn’t offer a multiplay...
游戏说明: Striker Dummies 是一款有趣且令人兴奋的格斗游戏,您可以在其中控制木偶。目标很简单——你必须用巨大的锤子击打其他木偶来摧毁它们!这对激烈对的获胜者是第一个达到 5 分的人。你必须尝试巧妙地使用你的锤子将你的木制对手撕成碎片。是时候小心打破并尽量避免粉碎性打击了。您可以在双重控制设置中与朋友...
Playing Striker Dummies is that simple! Play this 2 Players Games game online in Miniplay. 57,656 total plays, play now!
Striker Dummies 880× Mahee.com→ Fighting games → One on one All:Two playersRobots Game controls:Player 1: Attack - W, A, S, D, Player 2: Attack - Arrows Fight as a metal robot with a hammer either against the computer or against your friend at one computer....