The meaning of STRIKE UP A CONVERSATION is to enter into a conversation —often + with. How to use strike up a conversation in a sentence.
The meaning of STRIKE UP is to begin to sing or play or to be sung or played. How to use strike up in a sentence.
You’re like a dictionary, you add meaning to my life. 你就像一本字典,为我的生活增添意义。 You look like someone I know. Haven’t we met before? 你跟我一个朋友长得好象。我们之前见过吧? That’s a great haircut. 你的发型很不错。 (To the bartender) I’ll have what the handsome ...
Related to strike up:strike up a conversation A work stoppage; the concerted refusal of employees to perform work that their employer has assigned to them in order to force the employer to grant certain demanded concessions, such as increased wages or improved employment conditions. ...
strike up meaning, definition, what is strike up: to start to become friendly with someone...: Learn more.
Taketheinitiativetostrikeupa conversationwithoutmeaning,quietlywatchinghasalways beenmyhabit. 没有主动搭讪的意思,静静观赏是我的向来习惯。 7. Thinkforapropertopicbeforeyoudecidetostrikeupaconversationwithaforeigner. 在你决定与外国友人开始一段对话之前,考虑一下适合的话题。
strike up (something)alsostrike (something) up:to begin (something) Istruck upa conversation with him at the party. The two boysstruck upa friendship. strike while the iron is hot :to do something immediately while you still have a good chance to do it ...
Strike up: To begin something, such as a conversation or friendship. In conclusion, the word "strike" possesses remarkable semantic depth. Its diverse meanings, both as a verb and a noun, often hinge on the surrounding context. To fully grasp its significance, one must consider not only the...
A:"She decided tostrikeup a conversation with him." Withstrikemeaning initiate. "Shestruckhim before turning to run away." Withstrikein a past tense form meaning hit. "No one knew the disaster wouldstrike." Withstrikemeaning to occur suddenly. ...