Strike的定义 在期权交易中,“strike”指的是期权的行权价格(Strike Price)。这是期权合约中规定的,买方有权在到期日或之前以该价格买入或卖出标的资产的价格。对于看涨期权(Call Option),行权价格是买方可以买入标的资产的价格;对于看跌期权(Put Option),行权价格是买方可以卖出标的资产的价格。 Strike对交易者的指导...
内在价值是指期权立即行权时所能获得的经济利益。对于看涨期权(Call Option),如果标的资产的市场价格高于行权价,那么期权就具有内在价值;反之,如果市场价格低于行权价,则内在价值为零。对于看跌期权(Put Option),情况则相反:市场价格低于行权价时,期权具有内在价值;高于行权价时,内在价值为零。 行权价在期权定价中...
以下是一些期权交易中常见的专业名词: 1.行权价格(Strike Price):期权合约中规定的买卖标的物的价格,也称为执行价格或敲定价格。 2.到期日(Expiration Date):期权合约有效期结束的日期,到期日之前必须行使或平仓。 3.欧式期权(European Option):只能在到期日时行权的期权。 4.美式期权(AmericanOption):在到期日之前...
The exercise price is the price at which an underlying security can be purchased or sold when trading a call or put option, respectively. It is also referred to as the strike price and is known when an investor initiates the trade.行权价是分别在交易看涨期权或看跌期权时可以买入或卖出标的证券...
Option Time Value Premium / Put Strike Price % In/Out of the Money– in general naked put sellers will look to sell a put below the current stock price. The range Out of the Money (OTM) gives the investor a sense of the 'safety cushion' they have when entering a naked put. The %...
(1)执行价格(又称履约价格)strike price。期权的买方行使权利时事先规定的标的物买卖价格。 (2)权利金。premium 期权的买方支付的期权价格,即买方为获得期权而付给期权卖方的费用。 (3)履约保证金。期权卖方必须存入交易所用于履约的财力担保。 (4)看涨期权call option和看跌期权put option。看涨期权,是指在期权合...
对于表现稳健的蓝筹股,卖出执行价格非常低的put,风险非常低。sell put的风险在于股价暴跌,最大损失是...
看跌期权(Put Option):赋予持有者在未来以预定价格卖出标的资产的权利。 2.期权的基本要素:标的资产:期权合约所涉及的资产,可以是股票、指数、商品等。 执行价格(Strike Price):期权合约中规定的买卖标的资产的价格。 到期日(Expiration Date):期权合约的有效期,超过该日期期权将失效。
Conversely, a strike price on a put option determines the price at which a contract may be sold within the life of the contract. There are two price components to an options contract. One is the market value of a security, that is the price where the underlying security in an option, ...