the compliances related to strike off company procedure to be eligible for company strike off. Some essential compliances that need to be done are furnishing Form AOC 4 (Financial Statement) and Form MGT 7 (Annual Return). For complete compliance details, it's best to consult a CA online....
Define strike off. strike off synonyms, strike off pronunciation, strike off translation, English dictionary definition of strike off. vb 1. to remove or erase from by or as if by a stroke of the pen 2. to cut off or separate by or as if by a blow: she w
Company strike off, also referred to as Dissolution, is the process by which a Company is removed from the Registrar. There are many who would like to dissolve a company after they have completed their business goals, or who do not want to use a company anymore for some reason. Setting...
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has implemented stricter rules regarding the Company Strike Off or removal of company names from the Register of Companies (RoC) New Rules Restrict Company Closure Without Financial Statements The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has recently made it compuls...
Although the company strike off procedure remains the same, the establishment of C-PACE is expected to reduce the time taken to strike off the name of an Indian company from its register.
Company strike off and business liquidation are two ways to close down a business, but it can be difficult to know which process is the most appropriate. Initially, you need to consider your company’s financial position – whether it’s solvent or insolvent – and think about the potential ...
All/majority of the director(s) approve the submission of the online application for striking off on behalf of the company. It is also important to ensure that there is no outstanding tax credit owing to the company before applying to strike off as and when the company is dissolved, any ta...
The application to strike-off a company from the Companies Register can be rejected if the company is found to have outstanding debts. In this case any debts must be settled before the company dissolution can be actioned, or if the company is insolvent t
Image created for CGG's white paper 'Offshore Geothermal: A Green Energy Resource of Global Significance and its Responsible Development' ( Video Player Media error: Format(s) not supported or so...
, never less than entertaining thanks to the unimpeachable charisma of Zhang Hanyu and Fan Wei in roles they know like the back of their hand (the rugged leader of men and the jovial yet wily bear, respectively), and it’s capped off by a stunning and bloody action scene across train ...