T-EAGLE/突鹰 复仇者系列ER1.2-6*24IR 采用镜片和光路系统 更加锐利,高颜值 全新打造的千元内高端速瞄典范之作!玻璃板超清成像系统 极薄边框 白隼户外 6123 1 评测原品VORTEX Strije Eagle 1-6x24速瞄 晗朝防务 4146 2 EOTech Vudu 1-6x24 FFP 玖玖里_Kukuri 1.4万 0 突鹰6倍光学瞄准镜 超清成像,...
Strike Eagle 1-6x24 和 1-8x24 射线光圈商品说明书 PRODUCT MANUAL
Strike Eagle 1-8x24 AR-BDC3 GEN II Optimize the versatility and quick-handling attributes of your AR with the redesigned Strike Eagle. A true 1x on the low end, Strike Eagle zooms to let shooters rapidly engage targets near and far, and an AR-BDC reticle aids in rapid shooting while ...