This led to the removal of the strike clause in the Nursing Act (South Africa, 1992). The labour rights of all citizens are entrenched in the Constitution of the country (South Africa, 1996). Participation in strike action by the nurse/midwife, regardless of the legal requirements and ...
At the same time, Israeli officials have increasingly warned in recent days of stepped-up action against Hezbollah unless its cross-border fire stops. BEIRUT STRIKE Netanyahu and other Israeli officials have repeatedly threatened to kill Hamas leaders wherever they ar...
Strikes have been frequent in all industrialized countries where labor has the right to freedom of action. In Great Britain, where the Industrial Revolution occurred first, strikes of various sorts took place during the 19th cent.; these include the antimachine riots of the Luddites, the successfu...
What not to bring to the Road Rally: Alcohol, and a lead foot to show off how fast of a car you have. Either one of these before, during or after the event will result in immediate disqualification (and possible criminal action.) Due to safety issues and insurance liabilities, please do...
The action this time takes us to Algeria, Zimbabwe and South Africa and although there are still the two episode storylines the main plot with Knox is always to the fore so this season feels more like one story. Once again the action is superlative with regular shoot-outs, fistfights and ...
In the strike movement of the 1960’s, the striving of the membership of unions led by socialists and of unions belonging to the World Confederation of Labor (known as the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions until October 1968) for joint action with Communists was clearly revealed...
The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced an award of more than $37 million to a whistleblower whose information and assistance led to a successful SEC enforcement action. The whistleblower persisted in reporting the misconduct internally, which led the employer to conduct its own investi...
‘’some doctors were disappointed with the decision, some thought they would return, but many of those who wanted to return to work before the end of the strike were not received, because the specialty colleges did not agree with the MISAU's action to stop postgraduate studies. This ...
Designed for use on swing-through, double action doors with a holding force of 1000kg. ES8200 Technilock DropBolt In use today in Government Institutions, Banks, Embassies and Jewellers, it has extreme holding force withstanding upto 2500kgs. ES9000 Pre-Load Electric Strike Designed to suit th...
I originally asked, “Can we manifest what we need?” Is there a practice, formula, or explanation for how we come upon passion and purpose? Aside from the scientific curiosity of how our body’s energy interacts with the universe, my answer is:I don’t really care. My answer is also...