One species in particular, the coastal geophilomorph Strigamia maritima , has become a 'model system' for these studies, because of its high population densities and the consequent ease of collecting large samples. Previous studies on this species have examined various aspects of segment number ...
The centipede Strigamia maritima forms all of its segments during embryogenesis. Trunk segments form sequentially from an apparently undifferentiated disk of cells at the posterior of the germ band. We have previously described periodic patterns of gene expression in this posterior disc that precede ove...
•First modern description of germ cell development in a myriapod, using molecular markers.•Germ cells are specified from at least the blastoderm stage in the centipede Strigamia maritima.•This is a much earlier embryonic stage than previously described for any other myriapod.•The germ ce...
We present an analysis of the genome of the centipede Strigamia maritima. It retains a compact genome that has undergone less gene loss and shuffling than previously sequenced arthropods, and many orthologues of genes conserved from the bilaterian ancestor that have been lost in insects. Our ...
2008 . Temperature-dependent plasticity of segment number in an arthropod species: the centipede Strigamia maritima. Evolution & Development , 10: 488 – 493 .V. Vedel,A. D. Chipman,M. Akam,W. Arthur.Temperature-dependent plasticity of segment number in an arthropod species: the centipede ...
Analysis of the variability in segment number of the centipede Strigamia maritimaVedel, VincentArthur, Wallace
Brena C (2014) The embryoid development of Strigamia maritima and its bearing on post-embryonic segmentation of geophilomorph centipedes. Front Zool 11:58Brena C. 2014. The embryoid development of Strigamia marit- ima and its bearing on post-embryonic segmentation of geo- philomorph centipedes....
Changes in heart ultrastructure during development of Strigamia maritima Leach (Myriapoda, Chilopoda, Geophilidae). - International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology 13: 233-245.Okland, S. (1984): Changes in heart ultrastructure during development of Strigamia maritima Leach (Myriapoda, ...
StrigamiaCentipede Strigamia MaritimaIntercalary SegmentHead PatternMandibular SegmentThere have been few studies of head patterning in non-insect arthropods, and even in the insects, much is not yet understood. In the flyDrosophilathree head gap genes,orthodenticle(otd),buttonhead(btd) andempty ...
Strigamia maritima, whose genome sequence has just been revealed.Roland, G. Roberts