读音:/dú jiǎo jīn/ 独脚金的英文翻译 One legged gold[医]Striga asiatica(L.)O.Kuntze 独脚金汉英翻译 [医]Striga asiatica(L.)O.Kuntze 词组短语 独脚金属Striga; Scrophulariaceae Striga 独脚金内酯strigolactone 双语例句 1. Witchweed is very difficult to remove after it in weeds ( invades )...
Striga asiatica (L.) O. Kuntze: A systematic review of morphology, traditional uses, phytochemistry, quality control, pharmacology, and modern applicationsStriga asiaticaMorphologyTraditional usesPhytochemistryQuality controlPharmacologyModern applications
英文名称 Striga asiatica 储存条件 RT 可售卖地 全国 型号 标准品 货号 B26266 B26266 独脚金 源叶 对照药材 英文名: Striga asiatica 别名: Strigaasiatica(L.)O.Kuntze 货号产品规格市场价(RMB)您的折扣价(RMB)库存(上海)库存(北京)库存(武汉)库存(南京)数量计量单位加入购物车 B26266-1g 对照药材...
A laboratory study was conducted to investigate the effects of several leguminous multipurpose tree (MPT) leaf crude extracts on the different stages of the life cycle of Striga asiatica. The MPTs used were Sesbania sesban, Luceana leucocephala, Acacia angustissima and Calliandra callothyrsus. ...
Shayanowako A, Shimelis H, Laing M, Mwadzingeni L. 2017. Resistance breeding and biocontrol of Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze in maize: A review. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica (Section B -- Soil & Plant Science), doi: 10.1080/09064710.2017.1370493....
Effect of soil factors on flavonoid metabolites in Striga asiatica using LC–MS based on untargeted metabolomics Background: Striga asiatica (L.) O. Kuntze is a traditional medicinal plant rich in flavonoids, which has various pharmacological effects such as anti-hepa... S Tang,K Wei,H Huang,...
B26266 独脚金 源叶 对照药材 英文名: Striga asiatica 别名: Strigaasiatica(L.)O.Kuntze 货号 产品规格 市场价(RMB) 您的折扣价(RMB) 库存(上海) 库存(北京) 库存(武汉) 库存(南京) 数量 计量单位 加入购物车... B26266-1g 对照药材 ¥105.00元 ¥105.00元 预计
In sub-Saharan Africa sorghum is cultivated under dryland condition on soils of poor fertility levels often heavily infested by Striga spp [Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth (Sh) and S. asiatica (L.) Kuntze (Sa)] (Johnson et al., 1997). Therefore, improved farming technologies that enhance...
Essential oils from the whole plant of Striga asiatica was isolated by hydrodistillation and characterized by GC-MS. Fifty-eight components have been identified in the essential oil. The main compounds of the essential oil were identified as (-)-caryophyllene (10.49 %) followed by p-caryophyllene...
Striga asiatica (Linn.) Kuntze.Synonym: S. lutea Lour. Family: Scrophulariaceae. Habitat: Throughout the country and in the rainfed rice fields of Kerala. Ayurvedic: Agnivrksha, Kuranti. Siddha/Tamil: Pallipundu. Folk: Agiyaa. Action: Improves appetite and taste. Prescribed in strangury and...