In addition, we found evidence for horizontal transfer of host genes as well as retrotransposons, indicating gene flow to S. asiatica from hosts. Our results provide valuable insights into the evolution of parasitism and a key resource for the future development of Striga control strategies....
From a geneticist’s point of view, these differences are expected to have some implications on the genetic diversity and the aggressiveness of the parasites and hence, on the breeding strategies toward development of resistant hosts. Striga asiatica is an autogamous (self-pollinating) species and...
strigae; ICRISAT_International Crop Research Institute for the Semi_arid Tropics; ISM_integrated Striga management; MGD_maximum germination distance; Sa_Striga asiatica; Sh_Striga hermonthica; SSA_sub_Sharan Africa. Introduction Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.] Moench., 2n=2x=20) is a multi-purpose...
asiatica (Mohamed et al., 2001). Breeding systems are strongly linked to locally effective population sizes. Naturally inbreeding parasite species, whose populations have low effective sizes are expected to show a greater degree of local adaptation to their sympatric hosts than are outbreeding species...
asiatica of Benin and S. gesnerioides (SG) were analyzed using AFLP. In the former, the mean within population genetic distances ranged from 0.028 to 0.038, while the mean among-population genetic distances ranged from 0.019 to 0.088, with an assumed minimum genetic distance of 0.01 in each ...