Eventbrite - American Cancer Society presents Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Atlanta walk - Saturday, October 12, 2024 at Atlantic Station, Atlanta, GA. Find event and ticket information.
Life-Saving Steps -- Making Strides against Breast Cancer 5K Walk Helps Those Touched by Cancer Fight BackOncology nurse Lisa Keezer lost her mother four years ago, afterher mom's breast cancer...Young, Lesley
The official Making Strides Against Breast Cancer live walk event will be on Oct. 10 at 12:30 p.m. at Peoples Natural Gas Field in Altoona. You cansign up for the eventor make a donation online. Bring joy to kids in hospitals near you through The Jared Box Project Now a 22-year c...
If you or someone you know has been affected by breast cancer, this is an easy way to do something to help others prevent and survive the disease. And, you get some exercise! Making Strides Against Breast Canceris the American Cancer Society's nationwide series of walking events to raise ...
of the American Cancer Society's Making Strides event. Strides is set for Sunday, October 22nd in downtown Owensboro. Thousands are expected to attend and walk to raise money and awareness for the fight against breast cancer. Here's how you can get sign up and/or register your walk team....
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Campaign 2012 and Beyond: Awareness and Participation for Behavioral Change The following study investigates how to develop and maintain a health outreach program in order to make a behavior change in participating in the breast cancer movement. The number of women...
In recent years, Rachell has faced several traumatic life changes. A couple of years ago, both her Mom and her mother-in-law developed cancer. Rachell had a few breast cancer scares of her own. Her youngest child, Kyah, moved from Illinois to Ohio to California and then got married. ...
After Seven Years, Annual Making Strides against Breast Cancer Walk Draws ThousandsIn seeing thousands of people gathered to help with a disease shehas overcome, Amy Hedstrom said...Clem, Marcus
(Un)healthy diets and strides against cancerFocuses on issues related to 'Health' magazine, including its partnership with Avon for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer fund raising events in the U.S.Crichton, DougHealth
Community Notebook; Making Strides against Breast Cancer 5K Walk TodayByline: DAN SCANLAN The American Cancer Society's annual Making Strides Against Breast...Scanlan, Dan