STRICT LIABILITY OFFENSES, INCARCERATION, AND THE CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENTS CLAUSE.The article focuses on the cruel and unusual punishment clause in the U.S. Constitution. Topics include strict liability in criminal law, the U.S. criminal justice system, and the cause of the increase in ...
Strict liability offenses, incarceration, and the Cruel and Unusual Punishments Clause But it's the claim of strict liability that is the giant's biggest prize. Don't blame the bean "What we're trying to do is get our members to consider the concept of strict liability, which is very sim...
Strict liability crimes do not require a culpable mental state, only the culpable act. They are generally low-level offenses and traffic violations, like speeding. Driving under the influence (DUI) is a strict liability law. To be liable for drunk driving, you must have been driving a motor...
strict liability offensesstrict liability crimesDue Process ClauseEighth AmendmentCruel and Unusual Punishments ClauseI. The Setting: Strict Liability and Incarceration II. The Birth and Growth of Strict...Larkin, P.J., JrHarvard Society for Law and Public Policy, Inc.Harvard Journal of Law & ...
Strict Criminal Liability in the Grading of Offenses: Forfeiture, Change of Normative Position, or Moral Luck?strict liabilitymens reaculpabilitygradingmoral luckNotwithstanding the demands of retributive desert, strict criminal liability is sometimes defensible when the strict liability pertains, not to ...
SCC to Discuss the Reasonable Diligence Defense in Cases or Strict Liability OffensesLaferriere, Rachel
Trump Administration Stands Firm on Prison Time for Strict Liability Offenses Under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic ActNicholas A. Klinefeldt
Giving Mental Culpability the Bird: How State v. Bird Secures the Presumption that Traffic Offenses are Strict LiabilityThe Utah Supreme Court, in its recent opinion in State v. Bird (Bird II), 2015 UT 7, 345 P.3d 1141, has put to rest a decade's long error in Utah Traffic Code c...