The number of characters in strDest is equal to the number of literal characters in format as well as any characters that may be added to format via formatting codes. The terminating null of a string is not counted in the return value. Remarks The strftime and wcsftime functions form...
If execution is allowed to continue, the function returns 0 and sets errno to EINVAL.Generic-Text Routine Mappings展開資料表 TCHAR.H routine_UNICODE & _MBCS not defined_MBCS defined_UNICODE defined _tcsftime strftime strftime wcsftimeThe format argument consists of one or more codes; as in ...
By default, this function's global state is scoped to the application. To change this behavior, see Global state in the CRT.Generic-text routine mappingsExpand table TCHAR.H routine_UNICODE and _MBCS not defined_MBCS defined_UNICODE defined _tcsftime strftime strftime wcsftime...
The number of characters in strDest is equal to the number of literal characters in format as well as any characters that may be added to format via formatting codes. The terminating null of a string is not counted in the return value. ...
The number of bytes written into the character array pointed to by str not including the terminating '\0' on success. If count was reached before the entire string could be stored, 0 is returned and the contents are indeterminate. ...
The number of characters in strDest is equal to the number of literal characters in format as well as any characters that may be added to format via formatting codes. The terminating null of a string is not counted in the return value. ...
year before 1900 is valid for any of the formats. So a simple check throws a ValueError for tm_year < 0. For 3.x the assumption was that Windows can handle any year as far back as 0; in fact that's not true for the %y format. I'll propose a patch to timemodule.c but I'll...
Zwrites locale-dependenttime zone name or abbreviation, or no characters if the time zone information is not availabletm_isdst Return value The number of bytes written into the character array pointed to bystrnot including the terminating'\0'on success. Ifcountwas reached before the entire strin...
This method is similar to strftime() function defined in ISO C and POSIX. While all directives are locale independent since Ruby 1.9, %Z is platform dependent. So, the result may differ even if the same format string is used in other systems such as C. %z is recommended over %Z. %Z...
This method is similar to the strftime() function defined in ISO C and POSIX. Several directives (%a, %A, %b, %B, %c, %p, %r, %x, %X, %E*, %O* and %Z) are locale dependent in the function. However, this method is locale independent. So, the result may differ even if the...