If you find you tend to walk on the inside of your feet and shoes, if you find your toes tend to turn out when you run, if you suffer from knee, hip and low back pain, you may need to stretch out your Peroneals (as well as strengthen your glute!). This Kneeling Peroneal Stretc...
Between your desk job and exercise, your neck can take a lot of abuse. Prevent injury and ease pain with these six stretches.
This 8-minute Quick Fit class helps stretch and strengthen the muscles to reverse the negative toll our body takes from prolonged sitting. Cassy Vieth leads us through gentle yet effective stretches for our shoulders, arms, neck, hips and legs....
Real personal trainers share the best neck and back stretches for when you're sitting and working all day.
You'll want to do some simple stretches for a full-body stretching routine, like a cat stretch, cow stretch, neck stretch, chest stretch, quad stretch and calf stretch, but you should also do different stretches depending on the position you sleep in. Each sleeping position creates tightness...
1. Neck Circle Image Credit:LIVESTRONG.com/Samuel Chan Skill LevelAll Levels Start sitting on a chair or kneeling on the floor. With your hands crossed on your chest, begin to roll your neck in a clockwise direction. Push your neck gently to the limits of your comfortable range. ...
Jenny is a Boulder, Colorado-based health and fitness journalist. She’s been freelancing forRunner’s Worldsince 2015 and especially loves to write human interest profiles, in-depth service pieces and stories that explore the intersection of exercise and mental health. Her work has al...
Wall Front Neck Bridge The wall front neck bridge uses a wall and your body weight to strengthen the SCM through a forward flexion instead of a sideways bending of the neck. To perform this exercise, place a small cushioned mat against a wall at chest height. Do not use a pillow or som...
Ankle mobility is incredibly important for running as these small joints can be easy to strain or sprain, and next thing you know, you’re confined to the sofa with an ice pack! Heel lifts help to strengthen your ankles. How to do heel lifts ...
conjunction with anacupressure mat, will help gently work out some of that tension. Don't go too far on this—you only need to rotate a little to feel this stretch. If you have back pain, include this stretch, as well asother back exercisesto stretch your lower body and strengthen your...