4. Better Support for Your Back The hips help drive us forward and stabilize our landing while preventing excess side-to-side motion that could strain the back. If your hip flexors are overdeveloped, tight, stiff or short, you’ll likely suffer fromlower back pain. ...
Tightness in the outside of your hip and down your IT Band can cause hip as well as knee pain. And Runners are especially at risk for IT Band issues; therefore, they need to make sure to stretch your IT Band and abductors. To do the Standing IT Band Stretch, start standing with your...
A tight psoas can also compromise the range of motion you have in your low back, shoulders and hips. Stretching this hip flexor muscle is simple and necessary if you participate in activities that regularly shorten it, such as sitting for long periods or sports including running and cycling. ...
The muscles of the thigh may become tight due to the extended amount of time most people spend in the seated position during the workday.1For this reason, it is important to stretch the thigh muscles frequently. There are three easy stretches that target the hip flexor, hamstring, and adduc...
mobility in the complex network of muscles surrounding the hips. That, in turn, allows you to squat down to examine wildflowers and climb those summits with relative grace. This standing balancing version of Pigeon Pose provides a deep stretch to the hip adductors, abductors, and internal ...