For most of us, the answer is simple: sitting too much and/or sitting with poor posture. When we sit often and for an extended period of time, a chain effect begins to happen. The hip flexors, tensor fasciae latae (TFL), lower back, and quadriceps become shortened and tight while th...
To do the 3-Way Shin Stretch, stand facing a wall or something else you can use for a bit of support and balance if needed. Place your hands on the wall in front of you with one foot back. Point the toe of the foot that is back and place the top of your toes down on the gro...
Hip, glutes, piriformis, gluteus minimus, gluteus maximus, obturator internus, TFL, gemelli superior, inferior, quadratus femoris Equipment Resistance Band Step 1. Place a medium resistance band around the bottom of the rig/pole. Sit down and place the top of the thigh of the leg to be stre...