这套30分钟的深度解压练习重点针对肩颈以及上背部,非常适合电脑手机族作为日常的放松拉伸。 感谢收看!关注更多瑜伽视频,请关注订阅我的频道:) Music : https://www.epidemicsound.com/referra... 展开更多 瑜伽 健身 运动 健身 瘦身塑形 B站健身季 拉伸 YOGA 放松 解压 背痛 肩颈运动 肩颈 B站健身季 本视频参加...
樱桃丸子一二三创建的收藏夹默认收藏夹内容:【肩颈&上背部解压拉伸】深度放松 缓解酸痛僵硬 消除疲劳富贵包 Yoga Stretches for Neck, Shoulders & Upper Back,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
To drop into this modified version of Happy Baby, lie on your back and bring both knees to your chest. Keeping your feet flexed, bring your arms around your knees and hug them into your chest slightly while allowing your shoulders, neck, and back to stay relaxed on the ground. You can...
Bow pose is a greatchest openerto prepare yourself for backbends and improve shoulder mobility. However, if you’re just getting started and have tight shoulders, this pose can be really uncomfortable. Using a yoga strap can give you an extra length for your arms, making the backbend and ch...
Stretches for Sitting too Long: With Cassy Vieth. Many of us sit too long, causing tightness and tension in our bodies. This 8-minute Quick Fit class helps stretch and strengthen the muscles to reverse the negative toll our body takes from prolonged sitt
This can help fix what’s called forward head posture, when your head hangs forward, in front of your shoulders. Towel Pull For this stretch, you need a rolled-up towel. Start standing up and looking straight ahead. Put the rolled-up towel around the back of your neck, holding b...
The Dad Bod Shred Chest Workout Shred Your Dad Bod Shoulders Workout 3 Rules to Avoid Shoulder Pain When You Press Shred Your Dad Bod 10-Minute Cardio Workout Dad Bod Shred Arms Workout Do This Abs Workout Before Bed This 10x10 Workout Blows Up Your Biceps Fast ...
don't have an ideal ergonomic set-up (most of us don't), and stay in the same position for hours at a time. This lack of variation, along with hunching the shoulders and an uncomfortable chair, can cause back pain, headaches, tension, and tightness in your back, neck, and shoulders...
to stretch one's neck/arms/legs litt s'étirer le cou/les bras/les jambes to stretch one's legs fig se dégourdir or se dérouiller les jambes to stretch one's wings litt, fig déployer ses ailes the fabric was stretched tight across his shoulders/buttocks le tissu lui moulait ...
Got a stiff neck? Try these easy stretches to loosen it up. Learn exercises that can help ease the pain and make your neck more flexible.