Shift weight to right leg as you rise up to standing and extend left leg back (like you’re gliding on skates) while tightening your glutes. Return to squat and repeat on opposite leg. Continue alternating for 60 seconds. What it does: Strengthens glutes and strengthened hip flexors....
If you are looking for a stretch to do before you run to prevent foot, ankle, calf, Achilles, knee and even hamstring pulls and injury, then you need to try the Standing Hamstring and Calf Stretch. This is also a great stretch to do at your desk after you’ve been sitting for awhil...
How to:Start standing with feet a little wider than hip-distance, toes pointing slightly outward(a).Bend one knee, as you push your butt back and lean forward slightly. Keep your back straight(b). Touch the floor with your fingertips, if possible. Hold for eight seconds, then switch side...
In standing position with your feet flat and feet hip distance apart, slide your hands down your legs and past your ankles, straight down to the ground. Place them on the floor. Put your palms down, fingers backward. Drive your right and left elbow into your legs. Then push your thighs...
Perfect for improving flexibility and helping with lower back pain, these morning stretches for energy can be done every day and are suitable for men, women, beginners and seniors.
Standing Hip Flexor Stretch Stand with your feet hip-width apart and toes forward. Bend your rightknee, and bring your right heel up toward your butt. Hold your right foot with the right hand, and gently pull to point your knee toward the floor. You can hold on to a counter or chair...
Real personal trainers share the best neck and back stretches for when you're sitting and working all day.
This is more of adynamic stretch. This means that your ankle joint goes through its almost full range of motion. It also gets the blood flowing, which can be much needed after a long day of sitting or standing. Here’s how you do it: ...
Starting Position: Start in a standing position with both feet on the ground should be width apart. Next, Stretch out your quad by bending your left leg and pulling your toe to your butt. Hold for 3 seconds and switch to your right leg. ...
If you sit for long periods throughout the day, I hope you’ll incorporate this simple 5 stretch desk routine into your day. Not only is it wonderful for your body, but you’ll also notice that you’re so much more productive throughout the day when you do it!