'A Burden to Bear: The Physical and Psychological Demands Made on WW1 Stretcher Bearers', 'Hidden Histories Conference', This group of men were the dedicated group of stretcher bearers organised under the auspices of the Royal Army Medical Corps. These men, we argue, ... JSG Wells,M Berg...
'A Burden to Bear: The Physical and Psychological Demands Made on WW1 Stretcher Bearers', 'Hidden Histories Conference', explores the story of the stretcher bearer in the Great War with a particular emphasis on what led men to become stretcher bearers and the physical and... JSG Wells,M ...
'A Burden to Bear: The Physical and Psychological Demands Made on WW1 Stretcher Bearers', 'Hidden Histories Conference', This group of men were the dedicated group of stretcher bearers organised under the auspices of the Royal Army Medical Corps. These men, we argue, ... JSG Wells,M Berg...
'A Burden to Bear: The Physical and Psychological Demands Made on WW1 Stretcher Bearers', 'Hidden Histories Conference', This group of men were the dedicated group of stretcher bearers organised under the auspices of the Royal Army Medical Corps. These men, we argue, ... JSG Wells,M Berg...
'A Burden to Bear: The Physical and Psychological Demands Made on WW1 Stretcher Bearers', 'Hidden Histories Conference', This paper, through an analysis of selected auto-biographies, explores the story of the stretcher bearer in the Great War with a particular emphasis on ... JSG Wells,M ...