Philpott gives us an Australian stretcher-bearer named Henry Freeman, who wrote of marching “through the most beautiful country imaginable . . . wild flowers of every colour and description intermingled with the almost golden corn stretching for miles.” ...
stretcher-bearer meaning, definition, what is stretcher-bearer: someone, usually a soldier, who carries ...: Learn more.
stretchstretcher-bearer Browse # aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj kk ll mm nn oo pp qq rr ss tt uu vv ww xx yy zz Get the Word of the Day every day! Sign up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.comTerms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. ...
Stretcher-bearer is by 1876. also from early 15c. Entries linking to stretcher stretch (v.) Middle English strecchen, from Old English streccan (transitive and intransitive) "draw out to full length, spread out, prostrate (oneself);" also "to reach or extend in space" (past tense st...
stretcher meaning, definition, what is stretcher: a type of bed used for carrying someone ...: Learn more.
meaning meaning “I had no idea you could be what I became … an unscathed tourist of wars.” “The people in these articles are ordinary people, anyone; what happened to “The people in these articles are ordinary people, anyone; what happened to them happened to uncounted others.”...