those types of things. Low-level conflict is another one that we often see. So, if you have, say, two or three days of low-level stressors at work, you’re going to end up fighting more with your kids, with your spouse. You’re going to yell at your kid for watching too much ...
These meta-analyses cover three different types of job stressors: high job demands, hindrances, and factors in the social environment. High job demands are often conceptualized as challenge stressors and comprise stressors such as a high workload or time pressure (Cavanaugh et al., 2000; LePine...
In this scene, the distracted drive image shows three types of interventions and stressors that can introduce distraction: texting while driving (see picture-in-picture), solving simple arithmetic operations (see though bubble), and road hazards (see cones). In the rest of the paper, we ...
Three amino acids in Escherichia coli CspE surface-exposed aromatic patch are critical for nucleic acid melting activity leading to transcription antitermination and cold acclimation of cells. J. Biol. Chem. 2002, 277, 46706-46711. 56. Graumann, P.; Wendrich, T.M.; Weber M.H.W.; ...
These heritage designation statuses fall into three main categories in Flanders (north Belgian region), namely “Wetenschappelijke onroerend erfgoed” (scientific immovable heritage),“Vastgesteld onroerend erfgoed” (established immovable heritage) and “Beschermd onroerend erfgoed” (protected immovable...
However, compared to a three-year space mission to Mars, ISS-space missions are too brief to achieve a full understanding of skin adaptation in space. To overcome this problem, scientists have turned to animal and cellular models. Thanks to astromice, who resided in the ISS for three ...
Many decisions have high financial implications, and farmers may not know if they have made the “right” decision for years, fearing “paying for” a poor decision long-term; “you make a bad decision in your selection of a bull or whatever that could affect you for two, three years ...
The marine picoplankton Ostreococcus tauri has three known resistance types that arise in response to infection with the Phycodnavirus OtV5: susceptible cells (S) that lyse following viral entry and replication; resistant cells (R) that are refractory to viral entry; and resistant producers (RP)...