stress-ng: info: [31788] dispatching hogs: 2 cpu stress-ng: info: [31788] successful run completed in 30.02s 1. 2. 事实上 CPU 的 stressors 种类非常多,单纯指定--cpu参数的话,会轮流使用各种 CPU 类型的 stressors,若要明确测试指定的 CPU 负载类型,可以指定要使用的 stressor。 测试zlib 压缩、...
stress-ng: info: [91568] hdd 2106.92 MB/sec write rate (geometic mean of 1 instances) stress-ng: info: [91568] hdd 3032.04 MB/sec read/write combined rate (geometic mean of 1 instances) 倚天710阿里云虚拟机-虚拟磁盘 stress-ng: info: [418093] hdd 12334.94 MB/sec read rate (geometic ...