定义及流行病学特点 1926年 Howard 首先将咳嗽、大笑、喷嚏及运动时发生的尿失禁称为压力性尿失禁。国际尿控协会明确规定,在腹压增加时出现不自主的尿道内尿失禁称为压力性尿失禁,是由于括约肌功能不全所致。除了结缔组织薄弱,其他病因还...
Women who suffer from stressurinary incontinence(SUI) worry aboutcoughing,sneezing, even laughing in public for fear of having an accident. For some the fear of embarrassment is so great that they become virtual recluses, staying at home and avoiding any social contact. Even with this anxiety, ...
压力性尿失禁(stressurinary incontinence,SUI)是指咳嗽、打喷嚏或运动等腹压增高时出现不自主的尿液自尿道外口漏出。压力性尿失禁多发于女性,高发于经产妇及高龄女性,青少年少见。此病的发生机制绝大多... h...
Incontinence - (615) 490-9273 for treating incontinence with laser vaginal rejuvenation and The O-Shot® at Biltmore Restorative Medicine in Nashville TN 37212
Treatment of urinary stress incontinenceRobert L. HarrisG.Rodney Meeks
尿失禁压力性(Urinary Incontinence, Stress) 尿失禁(Urinary Incontinence) 尿道(Urethra) 脱垂(Prolapse) 阴道(Vagina) 分类号 …new.med.wanfangdata.com.cn|基于45个网页 例句 释义: 全部,尿失禁压力性 更多例句筛选 1. Urinary incontinence, stress; Stem cells; Stem cell transplantation; Quality of life; ...
网络释义 1. 压力性尿失禁 压力性尿失禁(Stress urinary incontinence SUI)是指增加腹压甚至休息时膀胱颈和尿道不能维持一定的压力而有尿液流出,常见 … cdmd.cnki.com.cn|基于6个网页 2. 张力性尿失禁 关键词 张力性尿失禁;临床诊断;治疗张力性尿失禁(stress urinary incontinence SUI)是腹压突然增加导致尿液不自...
Stress urinary incontinence (SUI), a frequently underdiagnosed condition that mainly affects women, lacks effective and long-term treatment options. MUVON Therapeutics has developed a tissue-engineered advanced therapy medicinal product for the treatment of SUI, based on autologous cells, which is being...
1 婦女尿失禁 (漏尿) 之困擾 3) ( urinary stress incontinence ) 婦女尿失禁( urinary stress incontinence )就是不自主之情況下小便會漏出來。 當腹壓增加 時, 如咳嗽、打噴嚏、手上提重物時,小便就會由尿道流出,對日常生活及一些社交生活都會 造成 影響,與別人靠近就會有尿味,影響到日常生活之品質 ,不敢出...
The treatment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is one of more controversial aspects of pelvic floor surgery. The indications for the surgical approach are related to the international classification as: Type 1 and Type 2 (Anatomical Incontinence), and Type 3 urinary incontinence (Intrinsic Sphinc...