We investigated the correlation between stress triaxiality effects and PWSCC growth behavior in cold-worked Alloy 600 stream generator tubes, and identified an additional stress triaxiality factor that can be added to Garud's PWSCC initiation model. By applying the proposed PWSCC initiation model ...
Also, the extrapolation method is used to obtain the SIF and stress triaxiality around the tip cracks. 应用外推法得到应力强度因子及裂尖周围的应力三维度。 更多例句>> 6) dynamic stress intensity factor 动应力强度因子 1. We obtained the displacement, stress, electric potential and electric dis...
However, it is well known that the nucleation and growth of micromechanical damage is sensitive to the stress state, specifically the stress triaxiality [40]. Involving invariants of the Cauchy stress tensor σ, the stress triaxiality is the ratio of the mean normal and equivalent stresses:(1)T...
The stress triaxiality is, besides the strain intensity, the most important factor that controls initiation of ductile fracture. In this study, a series of tests including upsetting tests, shear tests and tensile tests on 2024-T351 aluminum alloy providing clues to fracture ductility for a wide ra...
Therefore, the conventional equation of △J was modified by introducing the stressrntriaxiality factor. Fatigue crack growth rate could be evaluated by the modified △J without dependingrnon the size of plate thickness.Takehisa YamadaShin-Nakahara-Cho, Isogo-Ku, Yokohama 235-850...
The equivalent plastic strain at fracture ɛeq∗∗ depends on the stress state characterized by the stress triaxiality η. In [26], the equivalent plastic strain at fracture, ɛeq∗∗, is introduced by Eq. (8) covering both a monotonic and a non-monotonic decrease of the fracture...
Low cycle fatigue evaluation of welded structures with arbitrary stress-strain curve considering stress triaxiality effect 2022, International Journal of Fatigue Citation Excerpt : This curve is known as the master S-N curve, which was adopted in ASME Standards [30–32]. The method is widely appli...
The results demonstrate that the K-f factor poorly incorporates the notch effects for sharp notches and high-strength metals, whereas the stress triaxiality factor, using Abaqus FEA simulation, overcomes these flaws and efficiently incorporates the notch effect in fatigue life models....
high strain rates; damage; fracture under tension; the stress triaxiality factor; elevated temperatures; titanium alloys1. Introduction Titanium-based light alloys belonging to the isomechanical group of alloys with a hexagonal close-packed lattice have increased specific strength characteristics and are ...
Damage analysis of steel frames under cyclic load based on stress triaxiality. Eng. Mech. 2014, 31, 146–155. (In Chinese) [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Vercher, J.; Gil, E.; Mas, Á.; Lerma, C.; Torner, M.E. Flexural Strengthening of Damaged T-Joists with Severe Corrosion Using ...