Definition of stress verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
VERB + STRESScause, createA divorce causes children great emotional stress.| avoid, remove | add to, increase | reduce, relieve | be under, experience, have, suffer (from)He's been under a lot of stress lately.| cope with, handle, manage, stand, takeHe's had to give up his job as...
Word stress definition: the stress pattern or patterns associated with the words of a particular language when they are considered in isolation.. See examples of WORD STRESS used in a sentence.
Define stress radiography. stress radiography synonyms, stress radiography pronunciation, stress radiography translation, English dictionary definition of stress radiography. n. The process by which radiographs are made. Also called skiagraphy . American
Define Oxidant stress. Oxidant stress synonyms, Oxidant stress pronunciation, Oxidant stress translation, English dictionary definition of Oxidant stress. n. A condition of increased oxidant production in animal cells characterized by the release of free
The relevant meaning of the word given by the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (1933) was "the over powering pressure of some adverse force or influence". In science it was originally used in a purely mechanical sense, e.g. a "force acting on contiguous surfaces of a body and tending to...
D Crystal 2008:A dictionary of linguistics and phonetics P S Ding 2006: A typological study of tonal systems of Japanese and Prinmi towards a definition of pitch-accent languages C Gussenhoven 2004:The phonology of tone and intonation
ExtendedDefinitionof Charisma The Oxford Dictionary defines charisma as “compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others”. In my opinion‚ thisdefinitionexcludes aspects that would qualify a person who has charisma. Charisma is generally linked to figures of authority or leaders...
Source: Oxford Languages Nobody is suggesting that cars, say, or bicycles are a source of stress. However, both of these count as technology under the definition above. It is possible to envisage scenarios when we might be stressedbecauseof a car—perhaps because of the cost of fixing someth...
There are two ways in which a knowledge of stress and coping can help a nurse in her day-to-day work. First it can help directly in patient care. Research has suggested that stress adversely affects healing and recovery rates (Boore, 1978). A nurse who k