Uemura, "Stress concentration factors formulae widely used in Japan", Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct, vol. 19, no. 6, (1996), pp. 779-86.K. Iida, T. Uemura, Stress concentration factor formulae widely used in Japan, Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct. 19 (1996) 779-786....
The formulas proposed in this paper are found to give the stress concentration factors with better than 1 % accuracy. In addition, the stress concentration factors are also provided in a graphical way on the basis of the formula so they can be used easily in design or research. 展开 ...
stress concentration factor Acronyms [′stres ‚kän·sən¦trā·shən ‚fak·tər] (mechanics) A theoretical factorKtexpressing the ratio of the greatest stress in the region of stress concentration to the corresponding nominal stress. ...
Design formulae for predicting the stress concentration factors of concrete-filled T-joints under out-of-plane bendingStress concentration factorParametric studyRegression analysisSHS T-jointsConcrete-filled chordsAn experimental study was carried out on seven square hollow section (SHS) T-joint specimens...
10.2.7 Stress intensity factor formulae based on nominal structural stresses The spot-welded specimen mostly used in connection with design evaluations is the hat section specimen subjected to torsional loading with the effect of prevailing shear forces in the weld spots. These shear forces can be ...
Role of Stress Concentration on Fatigue of Welded Joints The elastic stress concentration factor depend on the weld toe radius, weld angle, loading mode and geometry. Specific analytical formulae from Nihei et al. [9.1], Skorupa et al.[9.3], Niu and Glinka [9.5] describe the influence of ...
Using the formula 𝐾𝐼=𝐸0𝐽/(1−𝜈20)−−−−−−−−−−√KI=E0J/(1−ν02), the stress intensity factor (SIF) near the crack apex when loading the pipeline by the operational pressure of the pumped product was found. An important issue when applying ...
In this study, a series of experimental and theoretical analyses have been carried out based upon the stress criteria of notched finite-width fiber-reinforced laminates; the predictive accuracy and credibility of new formulae were verified. The stress concentration of the notch edge and the damage ...
Lateral Torsional Buckling Formulae and Calculator During bending, one half of a beam is thrown into compression, and this can cause buckling in a similar manner to the buckling of a strut. Beam Deflection Calculator Supported on Both Ends Uniform Loading Deflection and Stress Stress, Deflection...
The extent of RNA colocalization with SG was quantified as the ratio between the number of RNA puncta falling within G3BP1-positive regions and the total number of RNA puncta for a given cell. We also applied the following formula to calculate the level of RNA enrichment in SG:...